Chapter One

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        "Thompson, Rei" the lady at the front desk called. 

I stood up and begrudgingly walked towards her, taking the papers from her outstretched hand. A random employee lead me to a small examination room, and gestured for me to take a seat. I internally groaned, what was the purpose of having a three day , yearly observation? I haven't even gotten sick since I was twelve but they still won't tell me why I'm here. 

"Miss Thompson, please follow me" another random employee said. 

I just nodded my head and followed them out of the weird little room, and into an oddly placed 'apartment' . I say 'apartment', because its really just a room with a kitchen, bathroom, a small couch facing a T.V., and a bedroom. There's huge bookcases and shelves, spanning from one wall to another and are as tall as the room. The shelves are stuffed to the brim with board games, movies, books, crafts, really anything to keep someone occupied. I turn around to ask the employee that lead me here questions on what they want me to do this year, but he's already gone. Last year instead of an apartment full of random games, it was a small house with four or five other people. The year before that, it was a tent with survival gear and one other person, who's face I can't distinguish. I jump when I hear an obnoxious blarring noise, seeming to come out of speakers around the apartment. 

"Hello Miss Thompson!" the voice says before clearing his throat.

"As you probably guessed, this is where you'll be staying for the next few days. Much more homey than that tent, eh?"

After my silence he continues talking.

"Just act as you normally would, and feel free to do whatever you wish. You can cook your own food or you can have someone deliver it to you, if you want it delivered just press the yellow button on the door frame and food will be there within the hour. The bathroom is fully stocked with whatever you could need, and the bedsheets are freshly washed. You have your own clothes, yes?"

I nod my head, wondering why the heck I'm here and what they gain from this. There has to be cameras and microphones around, because he continues after I nod.

"Good, well then, ring if you need anything. Oh, and someone may be joining you one of the three days your here. Byee." he says and then there's silence. He sounded like a teenage girl the way he said bye. I laugh a little at the memory of my friend Luna sounding the exact same. I lay on the couch and fall asleep to the thought of going home and singing with my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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