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Days passed and I'm still locked inside this room, the kingly room that looked comfortable but spent most of my nights sleeping my sorrows away.

Charles kept me here, most of the times he'd check up on me, and most of the time I'd keep him away.

Afraid of my forbidden feelings, and afraid of him. I shouldn't be, but everything hurts, when I had the knowledge of things I wasn't supposed to know. Things that I didn't want to know.

But every time I'd be left alone here, I would think about my life, why had Charles loved me, Why had I loved him back.

But my heart aches every time I was thinking about Arthur, I love him still. We had vowed in marriage to never leave each other's side, but I love someone else rather than him.

arthur betrayed me too, and I did in return.

This is all just messed up, you could call this the most complicated love triangle in history. I don't even think it's a triangle at all.

"Emily." Charles interrupted my train of thoughts when he entered the locked doors, he started calling me Emily in formality, I was supposed to be angry about that but somehow I was pleased every time Charles would call me Emily.

I just glared at him, I hate him yet my body tingles in need every time I would see him.

"Don't go near me." Stopping his tracks in the middle of the room, he sighed and ruffled his blonde hair, Charles looked stress and angered. But I couldn't care less, I felt much more worst than what he was feeling right now.

"You didn't eat anything.." his hands were now on his side, his dark brows furrowed and his lips on a thin line, he was dressed in a prince kind of way. Most of his garments were thick that blocked the cold, and his fingers didn't have the red colour showing irritation in them due to the training he usually did, but now he looked proper, better and healthy.

"Don't act like you care" I spat out with venom in my eyes, it hurts me to give brutal words to him. But I needed too, My kingdom needs me.

"I do care, Emily! I do! The moment I saw you I started to care!" He screamed out in return.


"don't you understand?, I cannot! I don't have the damn strength for you to leave me. Call me selfish or what, but I'm so damn week without you" His hands were now in his hair, gripping it while thinking deeply.

"I CANT BARE TO SEE YOU GO!" He walked towards my bed in a strong paced and closed the space between us, me being shocked because of his outburst, I sat there mindlessly while he hugged me.

"Because... I can't lose... the woman who I love...." strong arms on my waist was gripping me tighter, trying to lessen the only space between us.

"I can't loose you Em... I know you would want to get away from me, but I can't... please..." I cant loose you to Charles, the same time I could never loose Arthur.

"I don't wanna loose you too." I brought his face in front of mine and gripped his head using my two hands. His eyes were full of sadness but you could still see a glimpse of twinkle in his eyes. The twinkles that I fell for.

"Can I kiss you Emily?" His green eyes traveled from my eyes to my slightly parted lips, the atmosphere quickly heating into Charles request.

I was about to shake my head to not give him admission to my lips but he spoke out.

"I'll find a way to let you escape. I'll bring you back to your kingdom, just spend our last minutes together." The sparkle of determination bloomed once again in his eyes, he was telling the truth.

Forever Be Your Queen.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora