Prologue+Author's note

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Author's note
Ok, before you start reading this book please know that even though the genre says romance, this book contain a lot of action and it is at least seventy-five percent fiction. So some things might not be completely accurate, but it's a book so anything is possible right?

Second, I fully acknowledge that my writing is not the best. But, while I accept helpful criticism, I will not tolerate any bashing or rude comments towards me or any fellow readers. Your comments will be deleted if that's the case.

Of course, this is my hard work, my imagination, and my story. Therefore, you may not copy any parts of it.

Enjoy! And don't forget to vote and comment. That would mean a lot to me!


*********************************************************************************                       Prologue

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Date: December 23, 2017
Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Zhara wipes away angry tears from her eyes while she stares at her childhood bedroom window. Her reflection glares at her, teary eyes, rosy cheeks, and mascara smeared all over her face.

But her attention was on the happy duo standing on her driveway. The girl's arms were wrapped around the man's neck while she swayed and laughed. The remarkably taller man flashed a smile, the smile that he had sworn only belonged to Zhara. And then they kissed.

She was suffocating. She applies pressure to her chest-since her heart felt like it was trying to break out. She stares at their happiness until her vision blurs. She closes the curtain and slides down to the floor. And she loses control.

She swears to never love again.

Date: December 23, 2017
Ravenna, Italy.

Cato Ferrari glances at the address that was sent to his phone for the tenth time. Drawing in a breath and hoping he was in the right place, he opens the car door. He cringes when his footsteps echo down the dark street of Ravenna. Now, he walks to the building completely unarmed and with no assurance that he would make it out alive.

He stops in front of the entrance and before his tattooed knuckles could touch the wooden door it opens, revealing a tall, bald-headed who had wide shoulders and multiple tattoos and piercings on his face and body. He looked scary, but he sure didn't sound the part.

"The boss is waiting for you inside." The big guy says under his breath. He then moved to the side to let Cato pass. Cato eyes the dark corridor skeptically so the stranger continues.

"We are running out of time, Mr. Ferrari." There was a hint of sadness in his tone. Cato sighs, having no choice but to trust him.

The door slams behind them and red exit signs light up the hallway allowing him to keep walking without slamming himself all over the walls. He had walked at least two minutes before reaching another door.

The burly man steps up and opens the door, revealing a large group of men on the other side. Cato becomes intrigued when he sees that they were forming a circle around a large king-sized bed. The men all had sad faces and some seemed angry. It all started to make sensed when he realized who was laying on the bed.

The leader of a rival gang.

Sergio Galilei.


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Zhara^^So, what do you guys think?

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So, what do you guys think?


And vote!

Song-Someone tell me how to feel by Maggie Eckford.

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