Ch. 15 - Ain't No Romantic

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I was gone before the sun was up this morning. On the way back to the prison yesterday with Anna, Maggie, and my little girl, I had spotted this jewelry store. It wasn’t some fancy place, I think it was more or less a pawn shop. Even with the world the way it was now, I still wanted to show that she was mine and no one else’s. I think nearly losing her that first time, while she was still pregnant with our baby, shined a light on the fact that I can’t live without her in my life anymore. The fact that we have a baby girl together now is even more proof on that matter. I’m not a romantic in the least bit, but I have to find a way to ask her and I can only hope she’ll say yes.

I turned my bike off after pulling up to the store I was looking for and grabbing my crossbow off the back, making sure it was loaded in case I ran into any trouble while here. I walked up to the store, checking to see if there were any walkers roaming around inside. When I was sure it was safe, I began digging through the glass cases in the main part of the store, looking for the one that screamed out Anna to me out of all that they had. I didn’t need some big flashy ring, just one that would be perfect for her. It took me all of maybe thirty minutes before I found one I liked and figured she’d like as well. I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket then made my way out of the store and over to my bike.

When I got back to the prison, everyone was up but Anna was still lying in bed asleep. I walked by as everyone stared at me, most of them other than Maggie not knowing I had left the prison this morning to go do something. I ignored them all and made my way up the steps and over towards Anna’s cell. When I got to the door to her cell, she was sound asleep on her side. I smiled at the sight of my girl lying there, finally back with us. I walked inside and over to where Diamond was still sleeping in her little make shift crib until we could go on a run to get one. I had my family back, that’s all that mattered in my mind and I’d do anything to keep from losing them again.

I walked over to where Anna slept and placed the ring I had grabbed on the pillow in front of her so she’d see it as soon as she woke up. Now came the hard part, waiting for her to wake up and see the ring on her pillow. This wait was gonna kill me because it’s all that’d be on my mind until she finally woke and noticed it. I walked back out of the cell and over to where my things were on the perch and just laid down on the mattress I had there. “Where did you disappear to this morning,” Maggie asked walking up the steps and crouching down to look at me. “To get something,” I stated simply. She’d know soon enough where I went after I got Anna’s answer. Maggie went to say something when suddenly Diamond decided it was time to get up and started crying.

I sat up and watched Anna’s cell as I waited for her to walk out. I heard Maggie’s retreating steps as Anna emerged from her cell with Diamond in one arm and her holding the ring in her free hand looking at it then up at me when she realized I was staring at her. I stood up and walked over to her as I bit the inside of my cheek, nervous about what she’d say. I didn’t know if she was gonna say yes, or tell me to go to hell because of last night. “Daryl,” she questioned as she looked up at me when I was standing in front of her. “I ain’t no romantic,” I said looking down at my feet, “ya know that Anna. But that’s why I didn’t sleep in that cell with ya last night. I wanted to leave out early this morning before anyone else woke up. I wanted to get that ring.”

I glanced up at her as she looked at the ring once more in her hand as I began biting on my nail. “Daryl I don’t need the ring,” she said as she slowly looked up at me, “I already consider myself yours.” “I know that,” I said, “but I want it to be official. I want others to know you’re already taken.” She looked from me back down to the ring as she thought about her answer. Damn these long pauses, I thought as I continued to nervously bite my nail. She finally looked back up at me, staring me in the eyes as she waited a moment before responding. “Yes,” she said as a smile spread across her face and I stood there stunned momentarily before a smile of my own crossed my face.

OMG sorry that took longer than expected! I kinda had a bit of writer's block with how to write this. And for those who guess what he was going to get was it really that predictable?

- Kenz D

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