Chapter II The Council at D'arr

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Wind rippled through King Nalim's braids and beard as he clung tightly to the hard scales of the dragon beneath him. He turned his head to the side so as to be able to breathe more easily. The cold air in the sky did not affect him. A dwarf's skin was hardened and tough and could withstand the elements. Nalim's fear of great heights was a different matter. He hated flying, as did most of his race. Landing can't come soon enough.

The dragon's massive wings flapped gracefully as she flew toward MurDair. Her steady breathing calmed Nalim some. Ynell was her name. Though a young dragon, she proved quite competent. She soared through the sky in the lead of the group of fire breathing beasts relishing the power of her wings.

"There," said King Nalim pointing to what appeared to be a vacant spot on the ground.

Gradually, Ynell descended. She spread her wings out wide to soar lower to the grassy meadow. Golden grass with specks of green waved in the breeze. Ynell landed with a soft thump. Such gentleness surprised King Nalim who believed that her massive size would not allow it. The remaining dragons set down beside them awaiting their orders.

"Where is this great city?" asked Ynell. The dragon surveyed the surrounding landscape. Nothing resembled a city among the grassland. Pillars of multicolored stone provided the only structure. The misshaped pillars formed a circle around a triangular table covered in runes.

"Beneath you," replied King Nalim.

The dwarf strode to the triangular table. He ran his hand over the markings muttering to himself in his native tongue. "Jôk'lar," he said aloud.

A loud, grinding sound echoed through the air. Slowly, the table turned in a circle as it rose from the ground. The dragons watched in awe as it transformed into a doorway. Dancing torchlight spilled from the dark caverns beneath the earth.

King Nalim beamed with pride. "Welcome to the city of D'arr."

"We will not fit through there," said Ynell.

King Nalim frowned. The dragon was right. The doorway was too narrow for the beasts to slip through. "You must wait out here," he said.

"How are we to assist you if we must stay out here?" asked Ynell.

"You will assist me best by staying here," said King Nalim, "Our previous encounters with dragons did not go well. To prevent bloodshed, you will wait here."

Ynell backed away relenting. Smoke spurted from her giant nostrils as she snorted in response.

"I will be quick," King Nalim assured her.

The dwarf king stepped into the archway and walked down the stone steps. His boots tapped the hard rock with each step he took. Memories flooded him as he entered his home. Familiar smells of roasting pork, potatoes, and beer filled his nostrils. King Nalim inhaled deeply taking pleasure in the aromas. His stomach grumbled reminding him that he had neglected to eat earlier that day.

The stairwell gave way to a vast underground expanse. Smooth, black marble spread out before him covering the cavern floor. Great pillars with the crest of MurDair stretched to the top of the high ceiling. Lit chandeliers dangled from the cavern ceiling shedding light on the entire city. Water trickled down the stream that flowed through the center of the underground city providing a soft melody. Despite the lack of sunlight, patches of grass grew in various places providing splashes of color.

Dwarves strolled across the city center as King Nalim made his way to the council chambers. He trotted across the enormous expanse to the other end. He climbed the winding stairs that led to an upper level courtyard. Panting slightly, King Nalim dashed across the courtyard. On any other day he would have admired the moss covered pillars that lined the foot path he trod on. But he hadn't the time.

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