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Here's a new chapter ! Hope you guys enjoy! Also I'm like freaking out cause my senior prom is tomorrow!! I'm so happy!

Here's a new chapter ! Hope you guys enjoy! Also I'm like freaking out cause my senior prom is tomorrow!! I'm so happy!

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Nikita sat awkwardly in the Salvatore house. She toyed with the sweater that Elena had leant her. She needed to get some clothes of her own.

"Are you just gonna sit there all day?" Kai asked while popping a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth. Nikita didn't answer him. Kai made her nervous. Kai took a seat on the bed next to her. "Oh come on it gets boring when I don't have anyone to talk to." He complained. Nikita didn't say anything. He groaned and continued eating his popcorn.

Damon walked into the bedroom and saw the two. He tossed car keys to the two.

"God where are you sending me now?" Kai asked. "To her old house and you little witch are going with him." Damon answered. Nikita frowned. "Why in the world would I go to the house?" She asked confused. "Witches have grimoires and Bonnie needs them to find out what exactly you are. So Kai take her." Damon ordered. Kai rolled her eyes. "Kai do this. Kai do that. You know what Damon. Ossox!" He raised his hand snapping his neck. Nikita stood up in shook. "Kai!" She yelled. He shrugged. "He was irritating me. Now let's go. We have witch business to take care of." Kai said while taking the keys.

Nikita stared at Damon's body in shock.

"Oh come on Niki let's get to it. Chop chop." Nikita sighed and stood up. She walked past Damon and left with Kai.

The drive to Nikita's old home began quiet until Kai began speaking.

"You don't speak much do you?" He asked. "Well when you grow up with no one giving a damn about you then no not really." She answered. "That's the longest thing you have said to me when Damon and the others are not around." Kai said. Nikita looked out the window. She bit her lip and toyed with her hair. "Is it true you killed your family?" She asked. "Yup. In 1994 to be exact." Nikita frowned. "How is that possible?" She asked. "My sister and coven trapped me in the prison world when I thought we were going to merge." Kai answered. He seemed slightly angry. His hands tightened around the steering wheel. "Merge? You're a Gemini witch?" Nikita asked. He nodded. "And now you're a vampire?" She questioned. "Yep. Lily Salvatore turned me. Well I killed myself with her blood in me, killing my piece of shit father." Kai explained. Nikita gulped feeling more nervous around him. He smirked.

Kai pulled off onto the road. Nikita looked at him a bit scared.

"I'm not going to kill you. You haven't pissed me off yet." Her eyes widened. "Kidding." Kai got out of the car. Nikita took a deep breath and followed suit.

They walked onto the property and Nikita paused staring at the burnt down house. She took a deep breath and walked further onto the property. She couldn't believe that the house burnt down like this.

"Where did your family keep the grimoires?" Kai asked. "My dad kept them all in his office which was over there." She said while pointing at a part of the house.

She stepped onto the porch. It probably wasn't safe going into the half burnt down house but that wasn't on her mind. Kai went to walk in but couldn't.

"Um?" He questioned. "Oh yeah. You can come in." She said allowing him to now enter.

She walked further into the house and froze when she entered the living room. Kai glanced at her.

"They died right here." She muttered.

A tear slipped from her eye and she quickly wiped it away. Nikita carefully stepped through the house. She ducked underneath a fallen post and went to her dads office. She went to open the charred door but it simply fell off causing her to jump and cough at the ash that came up. She went into the office and glanced around it. Kai stepped in and looked around the office. Many of her dads witch things remained untouched. She walked over to the corner of the room where many burnt books were. Two were untouched.

"Found some." She picked the books up and turned around.

She walked past the half burned bookshelf and stopped in front seeing many of the grimories still intact.

"My dad must've put a protection spell on these." She said while starting to take them down.

As she took the books she didn't notice the instability of the shelf and when she went to pull another book the shelf came down with it. Kai used his vampire speed to get her right in time. He threw them both to the floor with Nikita landing on top of him.

"Yeah this isn't safe." She muttered. "Oh ya think?" Kai grumbled.

They were chest to chest and Nikita was breathing heavily.

"Uh sorry." She rolled off of him and got up dusting her clothes off.

Kai got up and helped her pick up the grimoires.

"I hope there's something in there that can tell Bonnie about me, because I don't know anything." Nikita fixed her hair and turned around. "I think that's it." She said.

Kai nodded and they left the house.


Nikita sat in a room with Bonnie, who was reading the grimoires. She was shocked at what she read.

"There's a lot of dark magic in this." Bonnie commented. Nikita nodded. "The coven practiced a lot of dark magic. I was the only that didn't practice with them. Me being an abomination and all." Nikita looked at the spell books. "You had it really hard didn't you?" Bonnie asked. Nikita bit her lip and nodded. "I grew up in a house of eight. I had five other siblings. We were a happy family. I remember my older brothers always being so nice to me, but all that changed." She took a deep breath. "They found out about my never ending magic and became scared. They treated me horribly and it messed with my head. I didn't want to kill them but I had no choice." She swiped a tear again.

Kai walked into the room and noticed her crying.

"What's with the eye water?" Kai asked while biting into his apple. Bonnie glared at him and looked back at Nikita. "Nikita did your parents ever mention anyone that could have your abilities?" She asked. Nikita shook her head. "Never. They always said I was the only who turned out like this." Nikita muttered.

Kai could feel her sadness. He almost felt bad for the girl. Keyword almost. Kai rolled his eyes.

"God every time I come in here it's like a damn funeral. I'll be at the grill." He left the room. Bonnie scoffed. "Has he always been like this?" Nikita asked. "An asshole? Yes." Bonnie sighed. "Well the grimoires aren't helpful. Just spells. Did your family keep any journals?" She asked. Nikita bit her lip trying to think. Her eyes lit up when she found an answer. "My dad actually did. I'm pretty sure it's back in the house. I can go back to see if they're still there." Nikita told her. "Wait someone should go with you." Bonnie said. Nikita shook her head. "No it's fine. I'll be quick. She told her while running out. Bonnie sighed and closed the grimoire.

Nikita made her way back to her family's house. As she walked to it she noticed someone standing in front of the house. She froze.

"Who the hell is that?" She asked herself.

Next thing you know she was pressed against a tree. She gasped.

"Hello Nikita." "Matthew?"

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