Crys life as a child

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Crys p.o.v

I heard Felix shouting in the other room in the middle of the night. It kind of scared me. He was talking about marzia. He better not be talking to her again. She might ruin my chance with Felix. I looked at the clock, 8:30. I never really sleep in anyway. I got up and put on a sweater and some jeans on then I grabbed my mask. I looked at it and wondered could I show Felix my true self. It would show a great improvement in our relationship. But there is something. I must do before this happens. I went to see Felix sleeping in his room. He snored really loud but that's ok. I don't mind. He looks amazing when he sleeps. I went to the kitchen and started the coffee maker and went to watch adventure time. God why do I like this show. I looked at the clock again and it showed 10:00. Pewds should be waking up any moment now. Speaking of the devil. Felix walks in with tired looking eyes and went to the coffee maker to get a cup "morning Felix" "morning Ryan" this is the first time I have heard pewds say my real name in a long long time.


I went to the airport to go see my new home and that's when I saw him. The most magnificent man I have ever laid eyes on. And he was a famous your über like me. I had to introduce myself, how could I not. I mean you are standinfpg right in front of the most famous youtuber on the site! I wales over to home and he looked at me and said "aren't you that cry guy on YouTube" I literally did a backflip in my head. He knew who I was! That is awesome. "yea I am, and are you pewdiepie. He nodded and we talked for a while. He gave me his phone number and his xbox and ps3 account names and said stay in touch. Oh trust me my friend. I will.


"Pewds , I need to tell you something." " what is it cry" I decided to take off my mask to tell him. When I did he looked astonished at the sight of my face. I blushed a little. " pewds I want to tell you why I where a mask. When I was little, i was abused by my father and he was mean to both me and my mom. He was always so drunk and he would say that I am a worthless nobody. And I believed him. So that's why I where this mask. Because I believed my father for me being a useless nobody.


Hey guys it's kade45314222. I am so far making 2 chapters every day so I'm doing a good job of updating, right? Anyway this is kind of wierd to say but I am running out of ideas for a story and I need you guys to comment to me on what to do next. Now you are probably thinking. 'Why would a author need help making a story' well, guess what, I'm 13 I'm am not a good writer to make a whole story on my own. Dylan and max. You 2 make the worst ideas ever for my story. See you guys in the next chapter ;)

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