Hello, Good Morning! [OLD]

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  So, I need to tell you, this is OLD. So it may not be high quality. I honesty had no idea what I was doing with this story, and haven't any idea of where it'll go. But enjoy nonetheless. Also, this starts off weird, and it's in Fukase's POV. It's also one of those ones where the setting is like some weird lab or something, I forgot. I also started this in December of last year, so it is quite old in my books. I have changed various things throughout the story, so this isn't the story in it's natural form. That's something you can only get if you get my storybook from me. Enjoy!


  "AAAHHH! SOMEBODY, HELP! IT HURTSSS!!!!" The small boy next door screams. I sit in my room, patiently waiting for breakfast. But every time I hear that boy scream, I get a weird feeling. I feel like I should comfort him or something.

  But enough of that talk, Miss Leah (Why the hecc did I call her that) is here with my food. She opens my door and hands me the food. "My, that boy's screaming must be annoying you, I promise it'll stop soon," She says. "Have a nice morning, Fukase! Tests start at 9:15 today!" She turns and leave.

  "Now Oliver, you have to stop screaming. You're disturbing all the others. You'll get used to the pain soon," I hear her say from my room. I hear her press a few buttons, a thud of something hit the ground. Something panting heavily. Realized it was the boy.

  "Thanks Miss. I-I'm not at all  hungry at the moment..." the boy whispers in an accent. His quiet and gentle tone, it soothed me, my faced heated up.

  "Maybe you'll be hungry later, I'll see you later Oliver," Miss Leah says.

  "B-bye-bye Miss," The boy sighs as Miss Leah leaves.

  "Oliver, is it? I'm Fukase," I speak up, it's strange how I haven't talked to the boy until today.

  "Hmm? Hello, red-head," the boy chirps.

  "Red-head? seriously? You couldn't come up with a better nickname for me?" I say, a bit annoyed.

  "I was going to call you Strawberry-boy,"

  "Ugh! Different subject,"

  "What are your tests about?" The place I had lived so long permitted us to talk about tests if we pleased. All of our tests differed severely, though I heard people on the outside can't talk about tests. 

  "Well, they test me about diseases and things like that," I paused for a moment. "Every once in awhile they put a syringe in my arm and I feel weird for a moment, then they put another syringe in my arm and I'm okay," I explain.

  "Cool! I'm tested for my tolerance to pain, my tests are of usual health subjects though mostly about varying workouts, I don't workout...." He says. I chuckled a bit too. "How rude of me!" He exclaims out of nowhere.


  "I totally forgot to ask for your name!"

  "My name's Fukase," I laugh.

  "Excuse me, but how do you pounce that?"



  "Yeah, that's my name!"

  "Yay!" My cheeks heat up awkwardly. I look at the clock that hung above my bed, 9:13.

  "Sorry Oliver, it's almost 9:15, I gotta get ready for my tests!"

That was the first chapter for this series in my storybook, I'll give you another if you want it, bye guys!


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