Secrets and Aliens

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FYI - this is a Supernatural x Avengers Crossover


They had been dating for a while now, around seventh months. Them getting together had been inevitable, really. It was Bucky who had said it first. Who had confessed his feelings to Steve first. He had been scared, of losing his friend, of being hated. Instead of punching him, like Bucky had expected to happen, Steve had kissed him. Thinking back on it, Bucky wondered how he had ever thought Steve, of all people, would hurt him.

They started dating in secret. They suspected that the other Avengers would be fine with it, but they were still worried. Who wouldn't be? They didn't go out for dates very often, opting to stay home, since if anyone spotted them, the next headline in every single newspaper would be "He Came Out of the Ice, Now He's Coming Out of the Closet," or something similar.

There was, however, one place that they loved to go to. It was a little cafe in Brooklyn called "Equali-tea and Coffee." It was a cafe equivalent of a gay bar, but of course, much calmer and more quaint. It always seemed to be raising money or running a campaign for LGBT, racial, or gender equality.

Steve and Bucky first went there at around three in the morning, four months ago. The cafe was open 24/7, but nobody was really there at 3am in the middle of December. They had stumbled upon the place by accident. The team had come home from a mission hours ago, and everybody had immediately gone to sleep. Steve had woken up at two in the morning, hungry. He'd gone to the kitchen in the tower, only to find his boyfriend, who was also looking for a snack. They'd decided they might as well go out, and after finding the empty cafe, it became an impromptu date.

The only person that had been in the cafe at that time in the morning happened to be the owner, Gabriel. They had asked him to keep their secret, and luckily, he had agreed. They didn't even have to threaten him! Gabriel also assured them that hardly anybody ever came to the cafe from about 3:30 to 4:00 on normal nights, er, mornings, anyway. He also assured them that the cafe was a family owned and run place, with one exception of a family friend, Kevin. The other two people who worked at the cafe were Gabriel's sister Dyna and her wife, Charlie. Gabriel said he'd make the other three promise not to say anything if they were working when Bucky and Steve came to the cafe.

"Want to go Equali-tea and Coffee tonight?" Steve asked. They were in Steve's room, just getting out of their afternoon shower. "Sure," Bucky said, drying his hair with his towel. "Should we meet there or go together?" Bucky asked. Steve pulled his shirt over his head and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss, "We can go together," he said.

They got into the elevator and took it up to the kitchen, where most of the other Avengers probably were, for dinner.. Bucky pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss before the elevator doors opened. The two walked into the kitchen, were Tony, Natasha, Clint and Wanda were eating dinner. "Where's Bruce?" Steve asked as he served himself a plate of food. He knew that Thor was in Asgard at the moment, and Sam and Vision, much to Wanda's worry, were on a minor mission.

"Lab," Tony responded around a mouthful of food, earning him a glare from Natasha. Through the rest of dinner, the Avengers discussed their previous mission. Clint also mentioned that he was going to visit his family in three days. Natasha asked, or rather, decided that she was coming with Clint too.

"Oh, I'm taking Peter to do a small 'mission' tonight," Tony said. The Avengers had found out Spider-Man's secret identity a while ago. Ever since, they'd been letting him to small things with them. Peter's aunt had of course found out about what her nephew had been doing as well, but she and Tony had made a deal that as long as Peter was keeping his grades in school good and Tony was teaching him, Peter could keep being Spider-Man.

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