Coming Out

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Steve and Bucky walked into the cafe, hand in hand. They were aware that there were two other people in there, but they hoped they wouldn't be noticed. Luckily, just as they sat down, the two other people left.

Steve leaned over the table and kissed Bucky, who smiled into the kiss. When the pulled apart, they were both smiling. It was nice to not hide. Which reminded Bucky...

"I'm ready," he said. Steve raised an eyebrow, clearly confused.

"To tell the team, I mean," Bucky said. It was no secret that Steve was fine with telling the team at any time, but he had respected Bucky's wish not to say anything. When they had gotten together, Bucky and the team were still getting used to each other, and Bucky just wasn't ready to say anything.

"Are you sure?" Steve asked, surprised, but happy.

"Yes. I'm tired of sneaking around and not being able to kiss you and hold you wherever we are," Bucky said, "I'm scared, but ready."

Steve smiled and kissed his boyfriend again. "When?" he asked when they pulled apart again. Bucky shrugged, "You can decide."

Two 'thunks' pulled them out of their own little world. Dyna was standing above them, grinning. She had set coffees, which they had not ordered, down on the table. They had been coming to the cafe for so long that Dyna, Gabriel, Charlie, and Kevin all knew their orders. They'd all sort of become friends, too. It was nice having non-superhero friends sometimes.

"You two are adorable," Dyna said, sitting down beside them. That in itself was strange, because she usually didn't do that until closer to the end of their 'dates'. They never really knew how she just seemed to know when their date was coming to an end, but they didn't question it. Especially when they found out she wasn't even human, but an angel, and her brother was the archangel Gabriel.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked, seriously.

Dyna sighed, "I meant to text you so I could warn you," she said apologetically, "but I got distracted by Charlie and, um, forgot."

"What is it, Dyna?" Steve asked, concerned. Had something horrible happened? Was something horrible going to happen?

"Tony Stark was in here earlier, with Spid- Peter Parker," Dyna said. Being an angel, and being Dyna, it wasn't surprising that she knew Spider-Man's real identity. Bucky's eyes widened and Steve raised an eyebrow.

"He was looking for me. He thought I was an alien and wanted to make sure I'm not dangerous," Dyna explained, "But, um..." she paused. Finally, she let out an exasperated sigh, "he was the one who was in here when you came in! He sa-"

"He saw us," Bucky muttered, cutting off the angel.


It was four in the morning and Tony Stark was once again, in his lab. He wasn't really doing anything. Just fiddling with random things and thinking. Thinking about the fact that Steve Rogers was most definitely on a date with James "Bucky" Barnes. Looking back, Tony realized that it probably wasn't their first date, either. He remembers the glances, the subtle, extra contact, the random touches. Tony realizes that Steve and Bucky have definitely been together for a while, and they haven't told anyone.

Tony wonders if he should feel hurt that they didn't trust him enough to tell him. He vaguely acknowledges that they haven't told the rest of the team either, so his ego shouldn't really feel too hurt. Honestly, though, he isn't hurt. He understands. It's one thing to be gay and in a relationship, it's another thing to have grown up gay in a time when being gay was something so hated. So no, Tony does not feel hurt.

When he and Peter had gotten into the car earlier, it had taken Peter several tries to get Tony to snap out of it. Eventually, he had managed to, and had shown Tony the note that 'Dyna' had given him. Tony decided that instead of focusing on Steve and Bucky, he needed to figure out what the hell Dyna had meant. So, he decided not to tell anybody about what he had seen, it wasn't his secret to tell, and instead find out more about Dyna, and what she meant when she said she was an angel of the lord.

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