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(Renegade: well this chapter is gonna focus more on Autumn and James than y/n it's gonna be a very short chapter but it's gonna play a key Plot point eventually)

Professor ozpin was sitting at his desk he's been keeping tabs on 3 kids for a few years now. He looked through the 3 files that had certain events that defined their lives

Event 1

Autumn POV

I was grounded but I still did the stuff I wasn't supposed to do anyways until mom got home but this time I got caught

Mom: what the fuck are you doing aren't you grounded

Autumn: yes mother

She grabbed me by my ear and dragged me into the kitchen

Mom: you don't want to listen to your mother now I'm gonna make it to where you can't listen at all

Mom took a knife from the drawer and proceeded to cut off my ears


James comes down the stairs to hear Autumn screaming with blood gushing from the sides of her head and her ears laying on the floor.

Mom: James take your dumbass sister up to her room and clean her up

James: y-y-yes mother

James escorts Autumn back up to her room and patches her up

End Event 1

Ozpin: to overcome the obstacle of being deaf Autumn and her family learned sign language and Autumn became very good at reading lips

Ozpin opens up the next folder

Event 2

James POV

I was in my room on my computer with the headphones in and pornhub on the screen but then mom burst into the room

Mom: James what the fuck are you watching

I scrambled to turn off the computer

James: n-nothing

Mom dragged me out of the room by my hair

Mom: why was that inapropriate video on your computer

I didn't answer

She hit me with a glass bottle It breaking on impact sending glass shards in and around my right eye blinding it. She then slashed my other eye blinding me completely.

James: mom I can't see

Mom: good now you can't watch any more porn

She then called y/n down to escort me to my room and pach me up

End Event 2

Ozpin: James overcame his challenges by enhancing his hearing he now has what can be pretty much classified as echolocation

Ozpin then opened the last folder

Event 3

You were walking home from school after getting in trouble for beating up a bully when you got home your mom was furious she was still holding her weapon after returning from a mission only a couple minutes before

Mom: why did I just get I call from the school saying that you beat the shit out of a kid

Y/n: because he was bullying me

She swung her sword down and cut off your right arm

Mom: that is no excuse

Y/n: but...

She swung her sword down again cutting off your other arm

Mom: no buts

She called James down to escort you and help you patch up

End Event 3

Ozpin: hmm these Phoenix faunus children are very interesting I will continue to keep an eye on them

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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