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This is for locker130, ShutYourMouthHeather, MimiMangle, jellylies, and Jeggyforever. I took a lot of time on this essay.

Hold up, why you hating on raisins? They are not only delicious but very healthy and they are very impressive (as you are about to see in the rest of this essay). So I heard that you guys were hating on raisins when MimiMangle told me. I was immediately going to step in and protect the dear raisins. So she linked me to it. Then, after a little while of fighting, I figured out that there was a raisin hate club and that there were essays being written. So, here's my essay on why the raisin hate club should be shut down AND raisins shall rise up!

Anemia is the lack of red cells to keep you healthy. Raisins can help with that. Since raisins have iron, copper, and B complex vitamins in them, they can help if you have anemia. Raisins can also help with iron deficiency.

Cancer and tumors. Cancer is SUPER bad. You don't want cancer. Tumors are bad. You don't want them either. For my understanding, raisins can help prevent an occurrence of a tumor and cancer (particularly colon cancer).

Raisins have a lot of fiber. Fiber helps cure chronic constipation. Now, we all know what constipation is. I have never had constipation. But I can assume that it is very uncomfortable. I'm sure it could keep you from sleeping. Sleeping is very important. Especially if you have something important the next day. So, we can all agree that we don't want to have constipation. Another point for raisins!!

Raisins also have high levels of magnesium and potassium that reduce acidity. So, they help reduce acidity. They can also help with things that could lead to blood toxicity. So, they are an effective treatment for a lot of health conditions.

Raisins can also help with hair loss, skin diseases and joint pain. They also help regulate the body's pH level.

Raisins can help with a fever too. (God, I didn't even know that raisins did that much!!). They can even help with bacterial infections.

Raisins also include polyphenolic phytonutrients that are AMAZING for ocular health. They help protect our eyes from damages that may occur. Several eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts can be prevented by consuming raisins regularly. They can also improve eyesight because they have a lot of vitamin A and beta carotene.

Raisins can also boost your energy. Going to play a sport? Grab a small box of raisins on your way out. They are easy to eat on the go and they can help you in winning your game by giving you that extra pep in your step. (I read this thing that said that a lot of athletes eat raisins to "elevate their energy levels."

They include NATURAL sugars!!

They can also help with your dental health. Raisins are pretty sweet, so instead of grabbing starburst or a tootsie roll, grab a box of "nature's candy" (raisins) and eat them!! They are rich in calcium which can help to protect tooth enamel. So if you know you won't brush your teeth for a while, (like, if your going to play a sport) don't grab candy, grab raisins.

If you have a high blood pressure, raisins can help regulate it. They contain antioxidants, iron, potassium, and B-complex vitamins which can help take away the stiffness in blood vessels. There is no sodium in raisins, so if you are having hunger pangs, EAT RAISINS!

Insomnia is where you can't sleep. (Again, you might've known that.) It is very tough when you can't sleep. You can barely do anything the next day, because you didn't get enough sleep. You lay there for hours, trying to sleep. You just can't. Hours and hours wasted. Wasted time. Life is short. There is no time to waste. Raisins are said to "guarantee a fix in a distorted sleep pattern." Though raisins are not magical, they still help with a whole lot of things that you didn't know before today! Why are you hating on these wonderful little power candies?!

As I have said before, raisins have a lot of calcium. Calcium can help with your bone health. RAISINS CAN HELP WITH YOUR BONE HEALTH? WHAT? I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT! RAISINS ARE GR8!!!

In the end, raisins are amazing. They help with insomnia, bone health, eye health, preventing cancer, preventing tumors, boosting energy, the addiction to candy (because they have a sugary taste but it's all natural sugars), skin diseases, hair loss, joint pain, anemia, and more. I mainly got this off of a certain website. There are other great facts that I didn't list on there too. https://www.naturalfoodseries.com/11-benefits-raisins/ There's the link for more raisin facts.

But I just wanted to mention, before I end this essay, a couple more things. This all started as a question, Which is better, raisins or pizza?. Now, after writing this whole essay about how amazing raisins are, I would not like to make an essay about pizza. But I will include some paragraphs I found on the internet to show you that pizza isn't good for you at all. Raisins are.

"Children ate three grams more saturated fat and 134 milligrams more salt on pizza days. Adolescents ate five grams more saturated fat and 484 milligrams more salt on pizza days. Bad eating is bad news for health. Too many calories contribute to obesity, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes."

"There are two ways to eat pizza: The unhealthy way (with extra meat like pepperoni and sausage), or the healthy way loaded with veggies. ... But since pizza is still a source of saturated fat (about five grams) and chock-full of sodium, limit it to once a week and load up on those veggies." So, if you eat pizza, you also have to load up on a bunch of veggies. Which, a lot of people would not like to do.

There is a lot of salt in pizza, so that can mess with a lot of things. (This is a great paragraph. Though it is not long, it can mean a lot. Salt is okay. But a lot of salt can lead to disasters.)

The other thing I want to add before I leave, is that, there is not much to hate on about raisins, there is a ton to for pizza. A raisin hate club is definitely not needed. Now that you know how amazing raisins are by reading both mine and MimiMangle's essays you should not have anything to hate on them for.

By the way, our essays are SUPER long and contain a lot of facts. This took a lot of time to make, so pllleeeasseee don't make a hate club. I am protecting these raisins with everything I have.

Goodbye fellow people. Please consider our side of the raisin lovers and don't make a hate club. That could hurt the poor raisins' feelings'. Little Jeremy is WATCHING you. If you make a hate account on him, he might make one for you, my dear sir.

Word count: 1199

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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