there and back again, by goose bagman

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     as i traveled down to the death mountain, i couldn't help but wonder how i had changed pov's.

     goose kept on going, his head spinning from the ever changing pov's but nonetheless pressed onward!

     he walked a really long time to get there, trust me, but this writer is just too lazy to write it all out. although he did come across a sad looking duck, sitting on a tree stump.

     "my my sir, what is wrong?" the feathered bird asked the fellow.

     he sniffed. "i'm a lady!" she cried.

      "sorry, it's just that you're very ugly for a lady!" he exclaimed. "what troubles you?"

     "i-it's my husband!" she wailed.

     "what is it? did he cheat on you? that dirty no good scoundrel! why i oughta beat him to a pulp! he deserves everything coming to him."

     "he was killed!" she cried harder than before.

      he felt a twinge of guilt. "what was his name?"

     "his name was frog... oh how i miss him so..." her look of grief then turned into one of hate and malice. "i will make whoever killed him pay. i will rip out their spine and watch as they scre-"

     "-well it was very nice talking to you bye!" the goose interrupted, and quickly waddled away, faster than we had ever waddled before.

     when he finally made it to death mountain, he couldn't help but feel like the name was a plagiarism of some sort, like it was from a legendary game of some kind.

     he climbed the great mountain and reached the... whatever it was called. it was getting too hard to keep up with all these names! all two of them.

      He was just about to drop the ring into the mole hill, but he was suddenly halted by the sound of a croak.

"Impossible." Thought Goose to himself. He slowly turned around with shallow breaths. Then he gasped at the sight.

It was Frog with a bionic head.

"Long time no see, Goose." Frog robotically spoke. "You feathered f*ck."

Goose was mortified. "How are you alive!?"

Frog chuckled, then cackled, then laughed.

"I was reborn! A robotic, alien parasite landed on me when you left me for dead in the Woods of Terror. Now I am more powerful. Enhanced by this thing. And now looking back I realize with my powers and yours combined, we can overthrow the Swan King."

"You're insane Frog!" Goose shouted.

"Join me Goose and together we can rule this story." Frog said, breathing like a robot.

"No I can't! You cheat playing Frogger!"

"No Goose, I AM the Frogger."

Then Goose yelled, grabbed Frog, shoved the ring down his throat, and threw him down the mole hill, which then blew up.

"I think that wraps up all the plot points now." Thought goose. "I feel like I'm forgetting something though..."

A burning sensation rose upon Goose's back.

"The eye!" Goose exclaimed.

The flaming eye gazed upon goose with a fiery fury.

"I can't believe the authors would put me through all this agony just to have me die here!"

Goose's leg wound then suddenly became relevant again, and he tumbled over in pain.

The eye's blazing fire encircled him.

"It looks like your Goose is cooked." Yelled Frog.

Then, when all hope was lost, Goose noticed a bucket of water had descended from the heavens.

"Thank Kami!" said Goose in awe and admiration. Then with all his might, he reached with his weird human hand and laid hold of the bucket. In one motion, he splashed it onto the burning eye, which then melted like a green b*tch.

It was over. "Now I can get my question answered by the Swan King!" and Goose triumphantly returned.

He arrived at the Castle and came to the King.

"Incredible work!" declared Swan. "And it only took you one chapter!"

Goose replied, "Yes, now you must keep your side of the bargain, and answer my question.

"Very well." said the king. "Now ask the all powerful Swan your question!".

Goose excitedly stated, " What defines the value of men? Is it their wealth, and possessions? Is it the character of their heart? Is it in integrity and honor? Is it in their power or status. Please tell me I must know."

Swan hesitated, taken back by such a question. He then opened his beak, and Goose's eyes widened with anticipation, finally his hearts desire would be fulfilled.

"What the hell would I know about humans?" said Swan.

The End

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