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"Thanks, sexy" He slapped my thigh playfully, Placing a couple hundred notes on my bedroom dresser before leaving out.

I stayed where i were, thinking about my actions. I should have never slept with him. But i say that every time about every single man i sleep with for money. Some people call it prostitution. I call it a way out of here. I sighed, staring at my bare body in the mirror from across the room. I was nothing, and would always be nothing. Just like my momma told me. The audacity the bitch had. Still i suppose, she was right. I got up, slipping on my ripped leggings along with my plain white tee. I had to pick up my baby, Gia. She stayed with my mother often since i was only 15 years of age when i had her. I was under the age to keep her and didn't add up to the social services requirements. They took Gia away from me 7 days after i had her. I was in a bad place for a long time. Though, My mother seemed pleased. Now i was 18 years of age, saving up for a decent place of my own for me and my baby. My goal was to get away from the place i was in. And i wasn't gonna stop prostituting till it happened.

I was late for the cook out my mother was holding. I was going to stay for a while before leaving with Gia. I honestly couldn't stand my mother. But even though she treated me the way she did, she had taken great care of my baby. And i was more than thankful for that. I grabbed my keys from the stand and closed the door behind me before i made my way into my car, ready for the cook out to be over before i had even got there.


I pulled up to my mothers house 45 minutes later, getting out and locking the door behind me. I worked hard for the car i had and no kid was about to get their asses in their and ruin my shit. My mother was a single lady. I would call her a women but she was never much of one. My dad split from her when i was 7 years of age. He fucked off and i can't blame him. I probably would too if i was a man with a women like that. I shook my head, chuckling to myself as i opened the gate, walking through the house and out to the back garden. I smiled, seeing Gia's little face perk up as soon as she saw me.

"Hey bubbah!" I took her from my mother, giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"You're lwate!" You giggled."Silly mwommy!"

"Silly mommy!" I rolled my eyes playfully, sitting down with her on my lap.

"Hello, Sierra"

I sighed."Hello mother"

"How are you, baby?" She slightly smiled.


"I'm good, mummy. You?"

"I'm perfectly fine, child" she got up, tending to the food on the bbq.

I rolled my eyes, mumbling under my breath.

"Let me go mwommy!" Gia giggled, wiggling out of my lap.

I loosened my grip and she jumped off, running over to some other kids playing by the swings.

"Be careful, baby!" I tutted, watching her slip up.

She got straight back up, unharmed and un phased. I smiled. Thats my baby.

"She is so hyper" My mother tutted.

"I know" I laughed.

"Anyways" She sat back down."Anyone here you have your eyes on?"

"Mother!" I sighed."I do not need a man to be happy"

"Oh c'mon" She smiled."There must be somebody. How about Jason?"

"Jason is my ex" I smacked my lips."He cheated on me, remember?"

I dated Jason back in high school, before i began prostituting for a living. I dropped out when i was 15, because i was pregnant with Gia at the time. We dated for a year or so, before i found out he had a few side chicks he was keeping on the low. We broke up and ended up back together again when i was 16. A year after Gia was born. I thought i was second time lucky, but the exact same thing happened again. It was hard breakup and a very harsh one. We never did get back on good terms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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