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I walked up the stairs into my high school, pushing my hair out of my face. Finally, I thought. I'm going to be out of this hell. This shitty ass year is almost over and I can finally leave this country, and  return back to Japan.

I picked up my pace, trying to get to the first class. As soon as I walked in, I noticed my best friend, Lila, seated in a chair near the end of the large classroom. 

"Lila!" I exclaimed, running over to her. She seemed extremely startled to see me.

"Y/N, I didn't know you were going to be here this year. I thought you were going to that rich, suburban school in Westbrook." Lila said, taking a strand of her hair and twisting it in between her fingers. Lila tended to do this whenever she was nervous or didn't want something to happen.

"Lila...What is it? Why are you..you know, doing that thing?" I asked, trying to straighten out my bun. Today I decided to do something different and stick chopsticks into my bun, unfortunately, my hair is too frizzy and it got caught. 

"Oh, urm, it's nothing." She said, letting go of the strand, hesitantly. An uneasy look casted over her face. Lila's green eyes had become dull, which only happened when she was jealous. Some weird shit is going on here. 

"Well, anyways," I said changing the subject. "I heard there is going to be a new student and a new teacher."

"Yeah. I heard that too." Lila replied, sounding so monotone, I almost heard my own voice. 

"Isn't that, I don't know, exciting?" I asked, filling with rage because this is not the Lila I grew up with. She simply nodded and went back to staring out of the blurry window. I walked away and found a seat next to a girl named Aliyah. She and I were friends, but not as close as Lila and I. Or at least as we were. I shrugged it off and gathered my school supplies. Soon everyone came filling in.  

Many of the students sat in the seat to my right, just to get back up and sit next to a friend. Whatever. Eyes on the prize, getting out of this shit-hole. As soon as all of the students sat down, our principal, mr. Jung Hoseok himself, came in and began to introduce the new teacher.

"Hello room 914, today you will be getting a new teacher from last year's senior teacher, ms. Kim Jennie who was reported to have gone crazy because of you ass-holes, I MEAN UH... You new teacher's name is Mr. Kim Namjoon. Please come in, sir."

As soon as the new teacher walked into the room, I swear, literally every girl fell from her seat. But of course, Mr. Hoseok had to see my dumbass fall out first. " Miss Y/N, please walk to the front of the classroom if you cannot act properly."

"Bu-" I tried to protest, but Mr. Hoseok  cut me off by simply waving his hand in my direction. "Your so lucky your hot. If you weren't I would have fought your ass along time ago." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I replied as everyone looked over to my direction. I felt my face heat up, and turn a rosy colour. 

"Good. Now if you would allow me to finish introducing our new teacher, that would be very appreciated." I sighed, and pulled my gray face mask over my mouth. "Mr. Namjoon is actually from South Korea, which is halfway across the world." Mr. Hoseok looked over at Mr. Namjoon. "Is there anything you'd like to add about yourself?"

The teacher nodded and walked to the front of the room. I swear, he was about four-feet away from me, and I could still smell the scent of chocolate on his breath. His face looked like it was molded by the friggin' gods. I think I was staring at his lips for too long because he whipped his mouth with the back of his shirt. Damn, I wish I was that shirt. His muscles were poking out of his sleeves, making him look 10x hotter than before. 

"Can I get a tissue?" I heard another student ask.

"Yes, sure." A teacher responded.

I heard a chair get pushed into a desk and footsteps coming up to the front of the room. Then I felt someone elbow my rib. It was Aliyah. 

"Girl, your drooling." She whispered into my ear. "I know he's hot, but come on, bitch, stop being desperate."  

She grabbed the box of tissues and walked back to her desk. Finally stopped staring at Mr. Namjoon's face, and turned back to face the rest of the class. Namjoon continued to speak about himself.

"I am going to be your new homeroom teacher, and for some of you guys, I am going to be your math teacher." He looked around and seemingly noticed how many of us girls were staring at us. He cleared his throat, looking back at Mr. Hoseok, signaling him that he was done. 

"And this is the new student. Please introduce yourself." Hoseok said, adjusting his collar. A boy with a white shirt and distressed jean jacket walked into the room. Everyone went quiet. His wavy, (AN: wayV, tee hee) dirty blonde hair brushed over to the left.  

"Lucas." He said. "Call me Lucas."

Huh, I thought. He's kinda cute . He looked smug and like a bit of a trouble maker. "Just my type."

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