Chapter 21

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"I will wait even if it takes forever."

It's finally morning and Mom, Soobin and I went to church for Dad's death anniversary and after that, we went to Soobin's favorite restaurant and hang out until it's 1 in the afternoon. I told Mom to go first because I have to meet someone and they agreed.

I am now at the place I told Jungkook about, it's already 1:30 and he isn't here yet. He said he'll be here before 2 but I guess the traffic may delay him.

1:45 and he isn't here yet, well it's not yet 2 so I guess I'll just have to wait a little bit more.

It's really cold but it's already Spring although it came earlier than I expected, the flower have bloomed already and the snow around the place is slowly fading.

2:10 and I started texting and calling him now, I don't wanna make my parents wait for us.

Still no replies and he's not answering his call.

2:30 he's not here yet and I'm starting to feel mad. I've been here since 1:30 and I've been waiting for an hour now yet he doesn't seem to care. My Mom too is calling me like 100th time already .

2:45 and I texted him again.

I've been waiting for you since 1:30 in the afternoon and I guess you can't make it since it's already passed 3 yet you didn't even say something. I'm just hoping that you have a good reason to say or else I'm not going to let this slide.

Call me. I'm worried.

Was the last text I sent him...........

6:00 no texts, no calls. Until morning came, he didn't showed up in class too. I am starting to feel worried but calling and texting him doesn't feel enough. I waited until 3 days have passed and there's still no Jungkook.

The teachers are not even looking or asking for him like why he isn't showing up or something. Even our classmates.

With that I decided to go to his place.

I reached the place where he's staying and decided to go in. I asked the land lady infront for him but she just furrow her eyebrows at me.

"Didn't he tell you?" She ask.

My heart beats so fast waiting for her next words. Please don't tell me what I have in my mind, not that please.

"He already paid all his balance last Sunday night and after that I didn't see him anymore. The last time I saw him was 4 days ago when I was cleaning the room next to him, he looks a bit weird though." She said tilting her head. "He looks different, he's all covered up with mask and bucket hat like he's hiding from someone."

I gave her my contact information, "Please call me if ever he comes back." I told her and she just clicked her tongue.

"I don't think he's coming back, because the last time he was here. He was gone for almost a year before he showed up again." She said and I twitched my eyebrows at her.

"He's been here last year?"

"Nope not actually last year, I think in 2016 I guess? But he came back just this year and now he's gone again. I swear that guy is strange." She said shooking her head.

He's been to Seoul before and went back to Busan last year and came back this year?

"Just please, if ever, don't forget to call me."

"Did he perhaps get you pregnant? That's why he's running away?" She ask and I immediatelty answer no.

Where the hell are you Jungkook?

I went home really tired trying to find him but theres just no luck. I don't wanna think about it but, is he going to leave me?


Babe please call me I'm not mad

Tell me where you are

Please trust me, if you are going through to something don't hesitate to tell me. Don't overcome it by yourself please call me, I'll help you

Okay, if you don't want to talk to me yet just please atleast send me a blank message. I want to know if you're okay

Jungkook it's been 12 days... aren't you going to show up?

I'm not mad, not a very least. Just please come back, I miss you so much babe

I haven't been eating or sleeping for the past few days because of Jungkook. Even my classmates, Mirae, Hobi and Mom are really worried. They assumed that Jungkook and I broke up because I haven't tell them yet that he left. No ones gonna know about it but me, I don't want them to talk negative things about him. I want to know his reason first.

It's always the same and it's been 15 days since he left and it's already been 15 days since I ate and sleep. I look horrible and I look depressed.

I didn't go to school today causing Mom to bang in my door until I open it. She finally lost her patience at me and barge inside with Soobin behind her holding a tray of food.

"Noona, please eat." He said in low voice. Mom grab the tray from him and told him to leave us alone and he did.

"Are you just gonna lock yourself in your room forever?!" She raised her voice. She didn't go to work because of me and I feel really really bad.

"And now you don't know how to talk? Hyejin, I'm tired you know that and I'll get home for this?" She said and sat on the bed beside me burrying her head on her hands.

"Is it Jungkook? Do you want me to talk to him?" She asked and I snap my head towards her.

"No, please don't." I told her.

She stand up and shouted pointing at me, "Then what do you want me to do?! Do you think I can sleep at night knowing you're like that? Do you even think I can concentrate to my work with Soobin telling me you haven't been eating the whole day??! Are you going to be like that because of a guy???!!!" Her voice is shaking and I can feel my tears streaming down my face. I can't even look at her.

"Baby, please tell Mommy what's wrong." She finally soften her voice and came to hug me. With that I finally break down.

The tears that's been hiding all this time and the pain that I've been feeling for the past few days has now been out.

I cried so hard in my Mom's arms. I can't contain it anymore, for the second time Jungkook left without even telling me why.

"Mom is here for you my baby girl, cry whenever you want and you'll be okay. Once you let it all out, it will be okay I promise. You don't have to hide your feelings anymore because I'm always here for you. Mommy will always be here okay?" She comforted me and I can feel her crying as well. With that I cried even harder.

"I'm sorry Mom." I told her between sobs.

"No, no, it's okay. I know how it feels so don't say you're sorry." She said.

"But J-jungkook..." she stops me

"He'll be back if he wants to."

After talking to Mom I felt very light. It's like something heavy has been removed from my chest now and I've never feel so alive.

It's been 2 weeks since Jungkook left and didn't even tried calling me but I keep texting him hoping he'll come back.

I went to class now and Mirae run towards me,

"Bitch you got me fucked up!" She cried before hugging me and I chuckled at her cuteness.

"I'm okay now." I assured her and she pulled away from our hug.

"I swear I'm gonna fucking kill Jungkook! You guys were okay that night and now this happened?!" She's fuming in anger but I just tap her shoulder.

"Do you wanna grab some lunch together?" I changed the subject.

"No, I want to watch a movie with you later." She pouted.

"Okay then." I smiled and we both went separate ways to our class.

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