Chapter 2

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Stupid stupid stupid.

Theo cursed under his breath, on the verge of having an almost-heart-attack for the third time in the span of ten minutes that night.

"Just buy us more time." Scott had instructed him clearly. "Wherever Liam and the others are, get them out of there." Not, charge at any gun pointed at you, roar majestically and eat all the bullets.

They were idiots for not pressing a button in the elevator and just bolting while they had a chance. That's what Theo should've done. Gotten him and Liam out the door, into his truck and away from the chaos. This wasn't his war to fight.

So curse Liam and his awe-inspiring bravery and his stupid determined face and his stupid blue-green eyes and his stupid "but I will fight with you" making Theo forget how to think. Before he'd realised it, they'd charged out together, eyes glowing and claws readied to fight.

To be fair, they had started off pretty damn impressive. The way their movements were perfectly in sync, interchanging so fluidly between leaping and slashing, twisting and ducking, it flowed like an intricate dance. It was remarkably distinctive to the last time they had partnered together within these hospital halls when they were distracting the Ghost Riders. That had been a clumsy and desperate fight for survival with wild strokes of luck (and surgical saws) thrown inbetween. This...this was different. This was like they'd been fighting together all their lives.

And this time, when they paused to grin at each other, he could tell Liam felt the same.

But then things went to shit as they always do. Suddenly Gabe was chasing them down like a maniac, Theo was pushing Liam in front of him and they were running, running. He hissed as the sting of the bullet cut through his shoulder and sent a jolt of pain down his left side.

Had it skimmed under his clavicle or something? Because Jesus it hurt like a bitch.
He just... needed one second to catch his compartmentalise the pain – something he had mastered over the years, something Theo was good at.

Just one second...pressed here against the wall... and great, the next thing he knew, Liam was on the other side of the room grappling with Gabe for his gun, leaving Theo wondering when the fuck he'd let that happen. Also, why wasn't Liam easily overpowering him? How could he be struggling against a human classma- oh. His leg. No. No-

Theo immediately scrambled to push himself off the ground and go help but the resounding bam! of a gunshot stopped him short. The combination of emotions that turmoiled within the next three seconds were enough to make his stomach heave. Heart-stopping horror that Liam had been hurt. Intense relief that he was fine. Abhorrent shock as Gabe was shot in the chest again. And again.

And again.

By someone on his own side, no less. Theo winced and looked away on the last shot.

The silence that followed was almost as deafening as the previous barrage had been. He barely noticed when Nolan knocked out the shooter with a fire extinguisher, or when Mason and Corey appeared around the corner - although his eyes did sweep over Melissa crouching to help Liam, the latter nodding to signal he was okay - because Gabe had started making horrible gurgling noises as he dragged himself to the nearest cabinet wall for support. The absolute betrayal shone in his eyes; he suddenly looked every bit the scared kid who had gotten himself involved in the wrong fight.

Conflicting emotions surged around the room, but stench of pity made Theo sick. He moved slowly, following the macabre smear of red left by Gabe, its vibrancy enhanced by flickering overhead lights. When Gabe lifted his eyes, in that shadowed face, Theo saw his own. He couldn't help but wonder, would that be everyone's reactions if he were in that position one day? Or maybe they would look on with disgust and tell him it was too easy of a death for him. He didn't deserve any better, but selfishly, absurdly, he...he didn't want that. He wouldn't be able to stand them looking at him with eyes like that. He wouldn't be able to stand Liam looking at him like that.

"It hurts. It hurts." Tears had started streaming down Gabe's face as it dawned on him that he was beyond saving. Did he regret it all, like Theo did? He remembered catching glimpses of the disillusioned boy around school, looking every bit the typical jock, the ordinary teenager. That was the life he was supposed to have, but would never get a chance at again. Just like Theo wouldn't, either.

Gabe shuddered in trepidation as he approached, fearing the worst but too weak to do anything about it. Theo gingerly clasped a trembling wrist in both hands and tried to convey through his eyes that he was trying, one step at a time. He was trying to be better. Just like how he yearned, deep down, for an unmerited second chance, surely this dying boy was at least entitled to spend his last living moments in peace? This struggling figure in front of him, old enough to lift a gun against his classmates, too young to comprehend the full extent of the cause he stood behind, misguided by twisted truths and manipulating lies. It felt harrowingly resonant. Theo pushed that away and focused on the young hunter, on willing to relieve him of his pain and fear. On willing to be able to do something for someone for once. He cared enough to want to.

He cared about being human.

The sudden pain shocked him like an electric current, flaring his wounded shoulder, crawling up his veins akin to demonic liquid fire. Theo watched it happen in astonishment, drawn to the telling shift in Gabe's eyes as he finally understood what was going on, finally was able to take slow, uninterrupted breaths. His shoulders slouched in ease.

"Does it hurt anymore?"



Thank you, Gabe's tired eyes seemed to say. Theo blinked and inclined his head very slightly.

Then Gabe was still.

Something wet dropped on his hand and Theo dully realised he was crying. He'd forgotten the last time he'd let a tear fall without intending to. Yet it was this entirely supernatural, otherworldly feat that had somehow grounded him with just that little bit more humanity. He quickly brushed at his cheeks. They didn't stay dry for long.

A hand gently touched his uninjured shoulder and a familiar voice soothed, "It's okay. Everyone cries the first time it happens." Instantly, Theo felt his heartbeat calm, his breathing even and his head lighten up. He shut his eyes and basked in the warmth that the hand brought him. Only one person had this effect on him, had this power over him.


No doubt Liam.

Always Liam.

Barely Human (But Getting There)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon