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Jessica's eyes shot open to the sound of crashing, followed by barely audible footsteps headed away from the stairs. She scrambled to get out of bed both quickly and quietly, but soon regretted her fast movements when her bed frame groaned from the strain. All movement on the first floor ceased. Jessica cringed and grabbed her robe from a chair in the corner of her room to hide her thin sleep shorts and tank top. Still nothing in the house could be heard except for her surprisingly slow breathes. She shifted towards the door, clinging to the wall to the left of the passageway, her mind running with possibilities and wondering if she could take this guy down if she really had to. She wasn't completely defenseless. She had taken self defense classes before moving to the city and moved up to basic Krav Maga courses since then. A .357 revolver was hidden in her closet as well but she knew that she didn't have the time to get into the safe and load it.

Instead she turned her attention to the door and prayed that the man would have some degree of understanding. She wrapped her hand around the door knob, taking a deep breath before she  turned it. The door opened faster than she had expected to reveal the man towering over her, his brow furrowed, his lips set into a straight line, and the barrel of his guns pressed to her forehead.

"Who are you?" His voice was deep and gravelly, a sound Jessica knew she would have liked had it not been for the cold metal just above her eyebrows.

His shoulders seemed to have released some of their tension when he found a short, semi-physically fit woman standing in her silk robe, but his weapon did not waver.

"I'm the one that fixed all of that." She gestured to the many bandages covering his bare torso, some with small patches of blood seeping through. Her voice had come out shakier than she'd hoped, but it couldn't be helped no matter how well she could use weapons similar to the one threatening her.

He raised an eyebrow and lowered the firearm from her forehead, but still holding it at the ready with the safety off.

Jessica held up her hands to show that she was unarmed and meant no harm. "I'm a surgeon. I got you out of that car last night."

His eyes flashed in recognition for a moment before suspicion returned.

Jessica swallowed thickly. "My ID is on my nightstand over there. I can g-"

Before she could finish her sentence he had already crossed the room and was examining the card inside the clear plastic slip. He nodded in acceptance and his eyes skimmed the room for only a second, taking in as much useful information as possible. Only one side of the bed was slept on but there were two nightstands. Only half of the closet which was left open held her clothes, and he was willing to bet that the same went for her dresser and bathroom. Everything he noticed pointed to a single woman, alone on the outskirts of the city.

"So," Jessica began, "can we go downstairs and I'll recheck those?"

The man looked her up and down. Jessica knew that he was sizing her up and not checking her out, but she still wrapped her arms around her stomach, pulling her robe tighter. It had been years since a man looked at her in any sort of way, at least that she had noticed.

Finally he nodded and slowly followed after her as she led the way down the stairs.

"What the fuck?"

The man looked up to see Jessica staring down at the door to the guest bedroom laying on the floor, torn from its hinges. She turned to gape up at the man who simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sorry about that." His expression was anything but apologetic.

Jessica closed her eyes and rolled her shoulders, trying not to lose her shit on someone who obviously had far more training than her and could probably snap her neck in seconds.

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