my appearance! :3

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Hi people. I really wanted to write down my looks! >< And my personallity too. If I don't post a real photo of myself atleast I should describe my looks.


• I have short brown hairs what is almost reaching down to my shoulder. It's dark brown.

• I have silverish-blue eyes. I really like it! :D Ot's so good! *^* But I have to wear glasses!xD But they suit me! :D

• I am skinny.... but not that badly. I mean I have... you know... tits... you know... ahem...xd

• I am about 165 cm tall, I don't know how many inch is that!

• I am 14 years old. MY BIRTHDAY IS THE 24TH OF JANUARY! :3

• I like to draw, and I have a twitter account where I post my drawings (PencilPrincessa is my name )

• I am hungarian, so I am badass!xd Nu, but I am proud of being a hungarian. Even if our government is shit, and a lot of people doesn't even know we exist! ><

• My personallity is somewhat cold sometimes... You know, when I don't really know a person I don't really want to talk with him/her. When someone is my friend she/he knows that I am a really bright person! ^^ Cute and things like this. I am too kind sometimes and naive. I am hot-tempered and easily annoyed. I cuss a lot, veh... When I am tired a talk about random things, they are kinda crazy like this one: Once my eyes met with a pony's. Its eyes were brown. It had an operation because its eyes were like a rainbow...

When someone hurts me I mostly try to act like srongly and everything but I am really emotiomal and semsitive, so I cry and things like this. I don't cut myself, and I REALLY HOPE I WON'T!

I don't really have self -confident for my body. Instead my brain. I am kinda clever, but Math amd Chemestry hates me for some reasons...

I am an otaku! :3

Somethings about Me! :)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ