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In a place far, far away, two children played in the forest for the last time. They were innocent, young, and so naive.

The girl had short brown hair and silver eyes that shined with mischief. She was nobody special, especially not within her village. Just had close ties with someone extraordinary. Meanwhile, the boy had white hair and red eyes, the traits of the main household of their village. This young boy was to inherit the village and lead them to prosperity. But their destinies couldn't be that simple, could they?

"Allan!" Azumi giggled as she tagged him. "You're it!"

Allan pouted. "I don't want to play anymore."

Azumi's head snapped around. She gave him a slight glare. "What, c'monn. We still have until sundown before we have to go back. We don't get to be out this long often! Don't end the fun so soon."

"But I'm tired. We've been playing for hours. My old bones just can't keep up with you anymore," he whined as he hunched over and tried to rub the soreness from his shoulders.

Azumi fake coughed, "Weak."

Allan's eyebrow twitched. "Haaaah? What was that?"

"I said," she booped his nose. "that you're weak."

"Oh?" He tackled her to the ground, making her erupt in giggles.

They wrestled on the autumn's leaves, laughing their little heads off. Every now and then, Allan would accidentally hit Azumi too hard and she would cry. And like all children, he tried to comfort her - make her stop crying - by offering to let her hit him back before the adults found out. She did hit him back, but with a rock. Their roles were now reversed. Allan was crying in pain while Azumi sat on top of him, shushing and hugging him.

Allan sat up, pushing Azumi off. She went to yell at him, but noticed the serious expression on his face. He stood up quickly, facing the direction their village was in.

Azumi followed after him. "What's wrong?"

"Screams," Allan mumbled. "I hear screams."

Azumi's eyes widened. Then she chuckled nervously. "P-perhaps the elders are throwing a party?" She tried to reason. Why else would they be screaming?

He stopped walking, causing her to bump into his back. "No, Azumi." Tears welled up in his eyes. He spun around, bending down to her height. He was the oldest of the pair, only by two years, but it was his duty to protect his bestfriend no matter what. "Okay, I need you to listen to me. You need to run as fast and as far as you can. Understand?"

Azumi shook her head. "I don't want to leave you-"

Allan smiled sadly. "I know, I don't want that either. But listen, bad people are coming here for me right now. I'll handle it, you just need to run. I'll find you afterwards..." he kissed her forehead. "I will always find you."

Azumi looked pass him, and through the trees she could see fire in the distance. Her home was up in flames. Smoke rose in the air. Very faintly, she could make out the agonizing screams as well.

Allan grabbed her face gently, forcing her to look back at him. He stared straight into her terrified eyes. Standing up, he pulled her into a warm embrace. The footsteps behind them were getting louder- closer.

Akatsuki No Yona: Severed TiesWhere stories live. Discover now