Part 1

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It started like any other day with waking up basically half naked otherwise I would have trouble sleeping. I got dressed and headed to the door to find out that the manger is calling us for makeup and hair; we have our last performance in Japan. I feel bad that I will say bye to the fans but I cant wait to get back to Korea and see my baby.


Its 8 AM and I’m fully awake cause of the busy schedule, the girls told me to take the day off and meet Minho when he’s back but I cant leave today’s responsibility in the hands of immature even though no one listens to the leader very often since she’s the maknae poor lemon. I made sure the girls are awake and ready for their morning radio talk show. Ever since the debut of E-Lemon-ators, I became their manager and CEO to Parody entertainments but due hardship I assign CO-CEO to do my daily work so I can manage the E-Lemon-ators. During the talk show the girls mentioned how today is Minho and I’s 1-year anniversary and how they heard from a little birdie that he got something special. That little birdie has to be key cause from the way Bash said it.


Our performance ended as I kept nagging our manager if he got the things done in Korea and he kept reassuring me but I was nervous. We headed to the hotel to pack and then head back home. Jonghyun got a message saying that Skyler is taking the day off and the girls are somewhat managing themselves so we better get back home. I got in the plane texting Skyler about anything actually. Key and jonghyun kept teasing me but I just ignored them and played along. As soon as the plane landed I called Lemon and asked her if they know where Skyler and if they finished their schedules but from what I hear it seemed loud and rowdy, I started freaking out and yelling back and wanting to know if things got as planed. But lemon just hangs up on me, I was confused as how can she do that but my phone started to ring as I immediately answered and lemon apologized and said to come to the police station. I was nervous and at the same time worried they got into another problem. When I drove to the police station I saw chaos and the policemen trying to calm the girls down but everyone seemed stressed and worried as I entered with my manager, I searched for Skyler but all I could see is Moja telling the policeman to do his job correct and Bash yelling at the phone as lemon trying to calm down but Latifa talk to the officer explaining to him how delicate this situation is as Bash Jr backing her up and yelling. I grabbed lemon and demanding an answer as my manager went to latifa and Bash jr to know the situation.


I tried calm these beaches down but no one is listen then someone grabbed me demanded explaining, I was about to punch till I saw it was Minho, I took him aside and explained how someone stole Bash and Bash jr car and Skyler is missing and Moja trespassed somewhere and she saw a field full of weed and then told Bash and Bash Jr which they stole and hide in the car, the car that is stolen right now. So Moja is trying to say how they stole it from us and hide weed in the car.


When lemon explained to me what is happening, my mind went blank when she said that Skyler is missing I froze but I heard weed. And suddenly silence was in the police station, we went to check what happen to see that the police used sedative to calm the girls but that just made them laugh for some reason. After calming explanation, and the girls back to their natural selves. Bash received a phone call that made her poke the girls and ran outside which seconds later, the police station received Intel that the same stole car is found and in a bad shape. Everyone went to the crime scene and saw Bashs’s car flipped over with doors wide open. I saw the girls run as the police tried to control them and back them away from the evidence and I saw people running and shouting but I froze and kept thinking where is Shamma? Is she in the car? Is she all right? I kept waiting for the phone call? Its our anniversary, how could this happen? I heard the bashs crying for their car and demanding a new one. But when I heard a witness and shamma’s name being called I ran to the officer and asked if it was Skyler that has been driving as I showed her a picture and she nodded but she also said that it was normal till two big cars bumped into her making her flip then dragging her out of the car into their van and speeded off. The officer asked bunch of questions but my legs could handle it as I fell on the ground and just kept calling shamma, hoping another lookalike.

It's All OverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon