Yukio - Gone

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A/N I hope this isn't too shitty

You sighed again, taking a sip of the fizzy drink you had ordered. People were starting to give you looks of pity and honestly who could blame them? You had been sat there for nearly twenty minutes waiting.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked again with a soft smile.

Glancing up at him, you shook you head and started to gather your things. Handing him more than enough money for the drink.

"No, it's okay. Here, this is for wasting your time. Goodnight."

He gave you another soft smile and took the money from you and holding up a finger. Quickly he ran off before coming back with a small muffin in his hand and a take out box in the other.

"The chief made these for you after I came back the fourth time. He says whoever stood you up is an ass and it's on the house."

"Thank you so much." You laughed, kissing his cheek.

As you headed to the door you waved before leaving, heading into the cook evening air. Even though it was spring, the evenings still got rather cold, it made you glad you didn't live to far away. Not even a five minute walk and you were heading up the steps to your apartment and unlocking the door, shutting it with a soft click and locking it.

Heading into the kitchen you placed the food in the counter, changing into more comfortable clothes before checking your phone. Nothing... sighing again you decided to shoot him a quick text.

Hey Yukio, I'm just texting to let you know I'm not at the restaurant anymore, text me, please

It wasn't unusual for him to miss a date, but this was the sixth date in a row and it hurt. A lot. It felt like he was avoiding you for some reason.

He's not like that. Yukio would never do something like that.

You really tried to sell that line in your head but it just wasn't working, and after a few hours of no reply you texted him again.

I love you

I got into a fight

I kissed rin

I fell down the stairs


Sighing, you placed your phone down. You though at least one of them would get his attention but apparently not. Throwing a ball in your hand you picked up your phone again. This time it was someone else.

Hey bro, Mind if I stay there for a while. I'm not sure how long, and can I have all my stuff sent to yours?

Not even 30 seconds later you got a reply.

Sure, I need a roommate anyways. I'll be down tomorrow night to help pack as move, fill me in when I get there

Smiling a little, you chucked your phone over to the other end of the couch and laid down. This was going to be a long night, thankfully, you had boxes in the spare bedroom.

You started with the kitchen, just sweeping everything non-breakable into one box before neatly placing plates and such into another. Cleaning products stayed out for now. Next was the bedroom, then hall.

You were half way done by the time sunrise again which made you thankful you didn't have much.

As the day went by you cleaned and rested occasionally checking your phone and at around 7pm there was a knock on the door.

"Open the door asshat! I have food and a truck!"
"Yeah I'm coming!"

Rolling your eyes you swung the door open and your brother walked in.

"Hey Mark."

"Hey (Y/N), where am I starting?"

"Uhm... I still have to pack the sitting room, take things down in there and the restroom."

"Nice, I'll do that. You eat and talk."

Nodding, You you fell onto the couch and begun to eat the pizza while he worked.

"Well, I'm seeing this boy and his missed out date again. He won't answer my texts now and I don't know what to do. I know he's busy with work and all but I don't know..." You trailed off

"He's an prick! where's he at I'll kick his ass!"

"No! It's fine! Really." You laughed before going quiet.

Laying down on the couch, you checked your phone before closing yours eyes. Quickly drifting off to sleep.

*time skip to the next day*

You stood in your new apartment and grinned, heading to the guest room where there was a bed already waiting and boxes everywhere. Collapsing into it, you grabbed your phone and scrolled through photos.

A few tears fell from your eyes, clenching your jaw you went to your messages and your heart dropped. Nothing... again...

Typing quickly, you sent one last message before throwing your phone at the wall.

Yukio ran to your apartment, a last minute mission meant he could call your text you and he left his phone at his dorm. Running up the stairs he knocked on the door and waited. Knocking on it again a little louder, the door behind him opened.

"She's gone, left a few days ago." The old man smiled.

"S... she left?"

He nodded and yukio tore down the stairs, running all the way to his dorm, he was out of breath and aching but it didn't stop him. He ran up to his shared room and slammed the door open, frantically grabbing his phone to see he had many missed messages. One was sent an hour ago.

I'm sorry yukio, goodbye

He sank to his knees and placed his head in his knees as tears streamed down his face. This was it... you were truly gone

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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