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"I love you to Colby!" You yelled hugging him quickly. He pulled away. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked sounding shy. He started to blush. You thought it was rlly cute tho. "Yes!" You yelled in excitement. He kissed you then climbed off of you. Then picked you up bridal style. He ran downstairs then grabbed his keys. Y'all got in the car and drove off. "Can I have aux?" He shook his head and handed ou the cord. You played champange and sunshine. You both sang along. Colby put his hand on your thigh.  "Hey baby where are we going?" You asked. "You'll see princess." He said smirking. He handed you a bandana so you could blindfold yourself. You did. The at came to a stop a couple minutes later. He hopped out if the car then opened your door. He helped you out and walked you inside somewhere but you obviously didn't know.  

Colby's P.O.V.
I really hope she likes this. I worked so hard. She should like it. I really want this to be special for  her just as special as she is to me. I walked her to the elevator and down the hallway. I looked down at her she was smiling and blushing. "We're here!" I said.

Y/n P.O.V.

we stopped as Colby yelled "where here!". I jumped a little in excitement. He opened a door. Then he took my blindfold off. We're at his and Sam's old apartment? I seen neon blue and purple lights and a little table with a nice white table cloth on it. It had red roses in a vase right in the middle of the table. I walked in and spun around. "Wow Colby!" He walked up to me and grabbed my waist. He looked at me as I stared into his beautiful blue eyes. He kissed me it was amazing. The way our lips matched in sync as we started making out. I am in love with this man. I  had my arms wrapped around d his neck I moved them down to his waist and hugged him. Just holding him is amazing.  He pulled back a little bit. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "Very!" I yelled he handed me a bag. "Put this on first." He said "your shoes are by the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom to get dressed as I wen in I grabbed the black heels. I pulled out the dress. It was a short tight black dress thank God I grabbed my purse on the way out. So I could fix my makep and hair. I put my hair in a messy but sexy bun. And did a black and grey smokey eye. I put in a pair of hoops left by Katrina. I knew she wouldn't mind me and her are like besties but if she figured out wat happened between me and Sam she'd probably hate me. I walked out if the bathroom as Colby was putting some spaghetti on our plates. He turned around to loo at me. His jawed dropped. "Damn baby you look beautiful!" "Thank you baby!" He put down the pan with the spaghetti sauce on the counter. And walked up to me. He had a black button up on with the sleeves rolled halfway up and it was tucked in some dark crimson red skinny jeans. With his snapback on backwards. He walked up to you and kissed you grabbing your waist. After he kissed you he moved to the side and opened his arms showing you the fancy table he grabbed a bottle of wine out of a metal bowl with ice and water. He popped the bottle open and oured you both a cup. You and Colby sat down and ate your dinner. After you finished eating. Colby stood up and walked to the other side of the room and put on some music and you to started dancing y'all were hugging swaying side to side. "I wish we could be here forever." You laughed as you began to cry."what's wrong!?" Colby asked. Nothing I just love this so much!" Colby smiled when you said that.


"I'm glad you liked it!" I said.

Colby Brock Smut❤️∆completed∆Where stories live. Discover now