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It's been a while but hello again!

tHere's 50 questions here so oh boy here we go

Tagged by ArcMages is this where i'm supposed to write something nice?

1). Full name?

First Name: L

Middle Name: L

Last Name: L

Oh did I mention that my name's L?

2). Zodiac Sign?

I'm a Taurus but I honestly don't think I act like one lol Some people say I act like a Gemini haha

3). 3 Fears?

blood, loneliness, and insects

4). 3 Loves?

abnormal stuff, food, and sleep

5). My best friend?

you're great i'll tag you theromanoffproject

6). Last Song I Listened to?

Cake By The Ocean; someone was blasting it on the streets

7). 4 Turn-ons?

hmmm maybe quirky people, level 5 memes, awaken my masters makes me pretty woke, and food

8). 4 Turn-offs?

intense weebs, people who don't shut up when i ask them to, people who pick their freaking noses, and people who kick me when i'm trying to peacefully sit on the darn table

9). Color underwear?


10). Tattoos/Piercings?

nothing much just earrings

11). Why did you join Wattpad?

i ask myself the same thing everyday i think i said this before but i wanted to comment on this one person's story so i made an account just for that kinda lame haha

12). How I feel right now?

I'm tired I want to go to sleep but I have hw to do

13). Something I really want?

For school to end so I can sleep for as long as I want

14). Current relationship status?


15). Meaning behind username?

I just want to express that my name's L to the whole wattpad world

16). Favorite Movies?

Shrek go @ me if you wanna fight

17). Favorite Songs?

i don't really know sorry for the lame answer

18). Favorite Bands?

Don't think I really have one

19). 3 things that upset me?

when people get into conflicts and i really wanna know what happened and i really want to help but they say no and then i get really worried and start stressing and thinking about it and yeah

or like when people stop talking to me and then i think that they hate me but they say that they don't but i don't believe them and then things get all awkward and i have no idea what to say so i just stop thinking altogether

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