Dig Dug

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(I did not edit this yet so I apologize for any spelling mistakes)

     "Um I don't know what to say" you say turning your head to avoid eye contact. "You don't need to lie to me" Mike said placing his hand on your shoulder. "I just wanna help". You gave him a little smile and a nod. "Come in, we can talk about this with Will" you said opening the door and walking in with Mike following behind. You two walked to Will's room while Joyce continued to piece together the drawings that Will drew up. 

     "I feel what the shadow monsters feeling. See what he sees" Will explained as I sat next to him and Mike admired the drawings. "Some of him is in the Upside down while some of him is here, too". "Here? Like in the house?" Mike asked while sitting on Will's other side. "In this house and in me. It's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more. And the more he spreads, the more connected to him I feel. It's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard. It was like that. But now it's like now I remember all the time". "Maybe that's good. Just think about it, Will. You're like a spy now. A superspy spying on the shadow monster. If you know what he's seeing and feeling maybe that's how we can stop him. Maybe all of this is happening for a reason" Mike explained. "You really think so?" Will asked. "Yeah, I really do". "What if he figures out we're spying on him? What if he spies back?". "We won't let him. Everything will go as planned" you said putting your hand on Will's while Mike did the same.

     Later that night

     Mike ended up staying the night. After our talk with Will he went right to bed while we stayed up and sat in silence. I could tell he wanted to say something. "How much do you know about the shadow monster?" he asked. "More than I'd like to know". "What you did to Will back there at the school, what was that?". "I was just helping him". "And the nose bleed?". "Everyone gets nose bleeds". "I guess" he said laying down on the sleeping bag. "You know about El right?". "I've heard of her". "You remind me of her" he said. You laughed a little. "Really? Why do you say that?". "I don't know. It's like, you are the bright light in all of this darkness. The person that keeps everyone positive during the worst times". "El was like that?" you asked already knowing the answer. "In a way. You are more open and caring though" he said turning his head to avoid eye contact. You let out a little laugh. "Thanks Mike. I'm glad I'm here and can help". "I'm glad your here too" he said with a smile. "Goodnight Mike". "Goodnight Y/n".    

     Next day

     I sat on my bed writing in my journal while Mike continued to sleep when Will shot up from his bed breathing heavy. "Will? Will? You okay" I asked standing up and rushing to his side. "I-I saw him". Mike started to wake up. "Come on let's tell your mom" I said helping Will up. We all walked out to the living room where Joyce was. "Mom, I saw him". "Saw who honey?". "Hopper. I think he's in trouble. He might be dead". Will started to take out the crayons and paper and started drawing. "Okay, so Hopper is here?". "Yeah". "Now we just need to find out where here is". "I know where it is. He's still alive" I said to Mike and Will since Joyce went outside to talk to Bob. Unfortunately, before we could tell her she came into the house with Bob. Bob stared at all the drawings confused. "Oh this is not going to go good" you mumbled quietly to yourself. After a while of Joyce talking to Bob he finally understood the drawings. "It's a map of Hawkins". Bob wrote down a map and we all left. As all of this was happening you were getting visions of what everyone else and what they were doing. Dustin trapping Dart, El with her mom, Lucas and Max in the arcade, Nancy and Jonathan together. Everything is going fine let's just hope everything pieces together in the end.  

     We sat in the car patiently waiting to get to the destination. "There's nothing. There's nothing here" Mike said. "Be patient we're close" I say back. "Turn right" Will says out loud. Joyce made a quick turn hitting into a sign. She stopped the car and got out. "Stay here" she said before slamming the door and leaving us in the back seat. "She's gonna get lost in there" you said out loud to the boys. "Let's go" you said climbing out of the car with the boys following behind. We stood in front of the hole looking down. "They're coming". All of you turned around to see those annoying white vans coming closer. They got out and started moving into the hole and barricading our surroundings. We stood still while they went to work. "Will are you feeling any pain?" I asked him as we stood still. Just as he was about to answer he fell to the ground. "Will you okay?" Mike asked leaning down to him. "Step back" I said grabbing Mike's arm and pulling him back as Will laid on the ground shaking. "What's happening" Mike asked as we stood near Will, my hands still on his arm. "He's feeling the shadow monsters pain" you said quietly to him while the guys dressed in white came closer to Will's body.

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