Mon Amour

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So you guys are the judges, tell me if I should keep posting these or not. Mmk bye lmao

     Mon Amour, the feeling of you- the feeling of your beauty casts a heavy shadow all over the darkness covering me with fear. Mon Amour, you saved me once and for that you will always be in my heart. You saved me from a place no one seeks, yet everyone speaks about- Mon amour, you changed me in more ways I thought possible, your beautiful blonde hair that feels as if velvet was layed upon it, ocean blue eyes saying, "My love, we were destined to meet." You were never deemed worthy to your people, but now- now they worship the ground you walk on, they wish to have you love them, and for you to cherish them, and keep them in your heart. Mon Amour, you have no idea- you have yet the slightest to watch me carefully, you have no idea how cherished you are within my bleeding heart. Mon Amour, you may be a girl, yes- but so am I, it is forbidden to speak even the slightest to eachother- and yet we always do. Mon Amour, promise me, you'll always have me in your heart- you'll always cherish the ground I walk on- and you keep our memories as if it was your deepest darkest secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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