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"Twenty minutes!"

I sat messing with my camera as everyone was running around. I was nervous, I changed camera lenses multiples times. Just then I felt a pair of eyes glue to me. I turned to see Shawn Mendes looking at me.

"Need help?" He asked

"Me?" I laughed as he walked over to me

"I'm fine" I said as my hands started to immensely sweat.

"You should change to to one you had in the beginning" He said and I nodded

"You'll do great" He said sitting next to me on the bench.

"Everyone thinks your photos on the magazine are to die for" He said 

"You don't think so?" I asked

"Oh no I didn't say that" Shawn said 

"Ten minutes!"

"Well good luck" I said

"You'll do great" He said getting up and walking away

I walked out to where I can take picture of him on stage. I tried to calm myself down because this is big for me, something I can finally do myself.

After the concert I was in the back room, editing some of the photos. I could see Shelby staring at me, I looked back at her. He started to walk toward me and I closed my laptop.

"I know they aren't the best, I'm still editing and all" I said and she laughed

"They are amazing" Shelby said

"I'm really impressed with you. Your skill is outstanding. You shouldn't be working for that shitty company" Shelby said

"I wish I has a choice. Only place that would hire me" I said telling a lie

"I know your mom is a horrible fucking person" Shelby said and I froze 

"I know that she is your mom" Shelby said fixing her glasses as my phone lit up with a text message from the Dolan twins.

"Sorry" I said turning my ringer off

"I want to hire you" Shelby said as Shawn entered the room with no top on.

"You need to go rest, you are doing a Calvin Klein ad with Camila tomorrow" Shelby said 

"Sleep is for the week" Shawn said smiling at me

"Would you wanna finish tour with us?" Shelby asked me

"Yes" I said and Shelby smiled

"I get to see you more often" Shawn said and I just laughed

"Flirting, Mendes. To the public eye you are with Camila" Shelby said facing him

"Fuck, I'm just admiring her" Shawn said biting his lip

"I'll get paper work and be right back" Shelby said leaving the room. Shawn walked over to me .

"Can I see some of them?" Shawn asked and I opened my laptop to let him scroll through the pictures. I opened my phone going to the text from Grayson.

Gray: Hey! Long time! We miss you and are so down to do a shoot with you!

E: Yeah, we need to catch up. How bout tomorrow?

"You know the twins?" Shawn asked and I looked up at him

"I do" I said

"I hate them" Shawn said and I rolled my eyes

"I can guess that one of those players likes you also" Shawn said grabbing my phone from my hands. He was reading the text.

"Probably Grayson, he seems like the person that would want to fuck with you" Shawn said and I rolled my eyes

"Actually you guys have already fucked" He said and I grabbed my phone from him.

"So we leave Thursday for tour so you need to be packed and prepared for a long time" Shelby said walking in with paper work

"I also was wondering if I could have you maybe come with us to the shoot tomorrow so you can watch and maybe helping the wacky Calvin Klein people" Shelby said

"Okay, I'll be there" I said

"Good" Shelby said

"It's ten to two" She said and I nodded

"Here is paper work, I need it by Thursday" She said 

"I'll let you get going" She said

"I'll have photos ready for tomorrow" I said getting up and leaving. I was walking out to my car and I could hear all the screaming fans probably waiting for Shawn to come out. My phone started to ring and I grabbed it from my pocket to see Grayson calling. I answered the call as I got in my car.

"Grayson?" I asked

"I've been driving around for awhile...I'm not doing so well. Can I come over?" Grayson asked

"Gray, are you okay?" I asked

"I haven't been drinking, you know that I don't. I'm just confused to why the hell you would still want to hit me up after what I did to you" He said, I could tell he had been crying.

"Shawn Mendes's team hired me to be the photographer. I'm going on tour with them" I said

"Do you want to do all this shit again. Get into fights and then find ourselves in bed" Gray asked

"So you don't want photos taken?" I asked

"I'll see you at your place" Gray said hanging up the phone

I pulled up to my place to see Grayson sitting on my steps. As soon as I stepped out of my car, Grayson was making his way towards me. 

"Gray" I said my eyes started to tear up and he slammed his lips on mine. I kissed him back as he pulled me closer to him.

"I'm better now, I love you" Grayson said breaking the kiss

"Grayson, this isn't the time. I'm leaving in three days" I said and my phone started to ring to see that Shawn was calling me through Instagram. I went to Insta and answered the call. His face appeared and Shawn had a big smile.

"I know that I was told to go to bed but I can't. Do you want to go out drinking. I know I just met you and you kinda work for me now but like no one else will go out with me" He said

"You can't be seen out with another girl" I said laughing

"Or what if I come over. Only friends, I'm a nice guy. I'm bored, Sam" Shawn said and then my phone dropped out of my hand showing Grayson to the screen.

"Oh hey Dolan" Shawn said as I picked my phone up

"Called it" Shawn said to me

"Grayson was just leaving" I said

"Actually I just got here" Grayson said

"We need to talk" Grayson said

"So can we go get drinks?" Shawn asked


~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Love your girl,


3:15 - Shawn Mendes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now