Chapter One

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The lights were on in the farmhouse when Sookie pulled up to the house and cut the engine of her car. It had been a long few days. On top of it being a busy night at Merlotte's, Maudette had been found dead this morning and the vampire, Bill Compton, had almost been drained by the Rattray's last night. What Sookie needed now was a hot bath and a cup of tea with Gran.

Sookie got out of the car and walked up the porch steps. Fumbling a bit with her keys, she finally unlocked the door and walked in. She was barely through the front door when Gran got up off the couch and gave her a hug.

"Look who's come back to Bon Temps, Sookie!" Gran said, pulling away and gesturing to the living room.

A lot of unexpected things had happened over the last couple of days, but this was one that was truly pleasant. Sitting on the faded floral couch was one of Sookie's best friends, Ariane Bellator.

Ariane had been adopted by a nice couple when she was six years old and she had become fast friends with Sookie and Tara. The three of them were practically inseparable and quite often their summers were spent at Gran's doing anything and everything they could think of. Ariane had left Bon Temps after she, Sookie and Tara had graduated high school eight years ago and she and Gran only got the occasional letter from her.

Ariane stood and walked over to Sookie and Gran. "Hey, Sook," she said shyly with a small wave.

Sookie immediately wrapped her arms around Ariane and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much. I'm glad you're safe."

"Ariane'll be staying with us while she's here, since the Bellators died a few years back," Gran mentioned. "She'll be staying in Jason's old room."

Sookie pulled away from Ariane. "That's right, I forgot your parents died. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Ariane smiled. "Thanks, Sookie. That's actually part of the reason I'm here. I figured it was time to come see them."

Sookie smiled. "I've got tomorrow off, so why don't we head to the graveyard then. Okay?"

Ariane nodded.

"Well girls, I'm off to bed," Gran said, heading toward the stairs. "Don't stay up too late, now."

"Don't worry, Gran," Ariane said. "We won't. Sleep well."

Sookie smiled at Ariane. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower, but do you want to catch up afterward? If you're not too tired, of course?"

"Sounds good. I'll meet you in your room once you wash the smell of Merlotte's off," Ariane said, wrinkling her nose.

Sookie laughed and headed upstairs. She took a quick shower and hopped out. She was drying her hair when she realized something. How did Ariane know Sookie worked at Merlotte's? Sam hadn't come to Bon Temps until three years ago, well after Ariane had left. Oh right, Gran had probably told Ariane where she worked.

When Sookie walked out of the bathroom, she found Ariane sprawled across her bed, reading one of Gran's romance novels. A half-naked blond Viking was on the cover with a stormy sea behind him.

"Good book?" Sookie asked as she quickly put on a tank top and a pair of pajama shorts. That was one of Gran's favorites and the evidence of that could be seen on the poor worn spine. It was so worn you couldn't even read the title of the book anymore.

Ariane shrugged. "It's alright, I suppose. I've read worse."

Sookie jumped on the bed, making Ariane bounce and laugh. She set Gran's book on the nightstand and gave her friend her full attention.

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