First moving day

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(Above is your current outfit!)
All in Y/N POV
It's our moving day, my big brother is being so annoying he keeps complaining about having to move because our parents separated and our father got the custody of both of us. I seriously didn't care as long as I was fed I am good. I was looking out the window of my dad's back Lexus and noticed a half naked man walking to his house, he was shirtless and had messy Raven hair, and from what I could see he was well built. I just sorta watched him as we pulled into a semi large driveway, and that's when I noticed the guy had went into the house next to our new one

. 'Great, now a boy who likes to go around parading the fact he's well built lives next to us, well we could live next to a pedophile so It could be worse' I let out a sigh as I got out of the car, followed by my father and brother we got our boxes, which wasn't much, but we would have to take a few more trips to get everything. We got the box's in the house and begun separating where the box's go. So our box that said 'kitchen' was placed in the kitchen and so on.

I let my father and then brother pick their rooms because I really didn't care. So I ended up getting a decent sized room with a window facing the neighbors house, the one with the boy in it. I began to unpack everything and when I heard yelling from downstairs I paused. "I AM GOING TO GO GET SOME MORE OF THE BOXES YOU TWO GO MEET THE NEIGHBORS WHEN YOUR DONE IN YOUR ROOM" I heard groaning from my brothers room and chuckled, he was always so over the top.

After I finished unpacking the few things I brought on the first trip I went to my brothers room, peeping in her was laying on the floor, hugging his guitar. I smiled nervously "hey bro, ya ready to go meet the neighbors?" I asked hoping he'd say yes and we could just get this over with "yeah sure squirt" I groaned at his nickname for me and went out of the house, to the persons house that I have yet to see who lives in. My brother was behind me, holding his instrument.

I told my brother to knock on this door and I'll knock on the next he agreed.

When he knocked a short girl with blue hair and a semi short orange dress as well as her hair then back with a... What are those girly things called, I don't know I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. She also had a boom in her hand and I looked at it, it was my favorite book and my eyes lit up, before my brother said anything I jumped out from behind him "is that (Fav book)?!"

The girl looked at her book and smiled "yeah! Do you like it too? I've read this book so many times I just can't get enough of it!" I chuckled lightly "well of you like that one so much I have a book I can lend you it's called an ember in the ashes although it's a bit scary I don't know how you  feel about that, it was my first scary book I read." I hummed lightly thinking of a way to describe the plot.

"So basically the book switches perspectives each chapter between this boy and girl on 2 different sides, but the girl is only on that side because her family died and the guy does not want to be on that side. The guy gets a special offer to be finally free of his 'demons' per say. the evil side, but the boy is on goes around killing people. the girl is on the Rebellion's side because the rebellion promised to bring her brother back and she's been tortured by her master because she has to pose as a slave. If you can't tell I really like this book'' I let out a nervous chuckle while looking at her waiting for her response.

Her eyes lit up at every single thing I ended up saying. I could really tell that she likes books, even if it's a bit scarier and out of her comfort zone. she then smiled gently at me "I'll definitely have to check it out!"

Was about to continue our conversation when my brother interrupted me he cleared his throat " were you two nerds nerd out some other time we still have to go to the next house (y/n). "

"Oh, right sorry, my name is (Y/N) redfox and my idiot of a brother is Gajeel" I rolled my eyes and posted to him he gave her his weird ass laugh. "Nice to meet ya shrimp" I could tell she didn't like that nickname so before she could say anything I dragged by brother to the next house waving goodbye that's when i realized... I forgot to ask her name.

We made our way to the next house, I brought up my hand ready to knock... Here goes nothing.

HIIII this is my first x reader this may be dis continued because my salad writing works better with one shots when an actual book


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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