Work Flow.

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After the morning draws to an end you prepare yourself mentally/physically and spiritually for the sacrificial amount of time you give away for that already accounted income you most likely will feel. You brace for impact stealing glances of yourself to mock while putting on the synthetic cheaply made uniform.
It fits you right.
On account of the combination of starvation and brutal exercise to look somewhat normal.
The voices of insecurity fade away and are replaced with a small amount of pride in your appearance and you as a person.
You wear that pride around you like a necklace.
The drive is too long.
About 30 minutes away but it's worth it.
After parking your car and clocking in the first waves of jeers and gawking begin.
A substance of old hatred yet fond yearning embrace your spirit.
You hate everything about your job.
Especially the people.
Yet you continually question yourself as to why and if you even hate them in the first place.
Maybe you're just spiteful because you cannot conform to the majority.
Maybe you're jealous because of the role that has been thrust upon you.
Maybe just maybe if the situation was just altered a little bit you'd actually enjoy yourself.
Dream as much as you might reality says it's never gettin better.
Only worse.
As the shift goes on the work may vary day to day.
The slower the day is the harder and more awkward it becomes to deal with such pessimistic and self centered coworkers.
The faster it is the harder the work is.
All for income that really isn't yours to begin with.
You suppose in retrospect it'll get better but in the present it is not.
As the night crew comes in you're left tired.
The drive home is long but you got the radio to keep you company right?
As you drive home from work the events and memories of your shift come to you in a flash.
Or specifically speaking the mistakes that you made come.
"I shouldn't have said that"
"I talk to much"
"I'm weird"
On and on the thoughts go until you're halfway home when your mind decides to just tune out.
It's a good feeling.
For your mind to be put at ease for just a little while.
You finally get to your place temporarily issued home and are met with an arduous mind numbing stupidly dumb task that haunts you 2 out of the 5 day work week.
Where on gods green earth are you gonna park?!
You're hometown decides to issue street cleaning meaning for 2 days in a row designated parking is limited.
Those including yourself who do not park accordingly are issued tickets by your local law enforcement.
Just great.
There's no room anywhere.
You struggle to remain calm and collected as you see there are no available parking spaces to secure your vehicle without being rendered by some useless fat piggies who's only true desire is to serve their fat asses and even bigger pensions.
You struggle to collect yourself and remain respectful of local law enforcement.
No one really is to blame for the cleanliness of the town despite driving past the same horridly used condom and heroine needles.
You find an available risky spot to park your vehicle that you pay too much for.
There's a strong chance that someone may hit your car but honestly you're just too tired to care.
You gather yourself and belongings and walk inside battered.
Used and abused.
You take off the synthetic uniform.
Plop yourself into bed to begin the day again.

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