Welcome to Cosplay Central!

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 As a cosplayer I am always looking to connect with people that share my interests. Through the cosplay community I am able to do that and have met so many wonderful people! However, it has come to my attention that there's not really a singular place on wattpad for cosplayers to gather to (fangirl/fanboy/fan out) or share advice and ideas. That's why I decided to make a book where we can do just that!

 On this chapter you can talk about cosplay in general; whether that be anime, cartoon, or live action cosplay. I will also be making chapters for every fandom I can think of! If I miss one that you would like to see, comment what the name of the show/movie is and I will add it! There you can talk about cosplays specific to that fandom!

 I hope everyone enjoys this 'book' and puts it to good use!

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