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"Billie, c'mon. You need to get out!" Ashley expressed, staring at me.

I just shrug and shove two more Takis in my mouth, "I don't need to go out, Ash. You want me to,"

A groan of frustration leaves Ashley as she comes over to me, snatching my bag of Takis.

Did this bitch really just take my Takis?

I glare daggers at the brunette, and she doesn't do anything, "Let me take you to this party, Bil. If you stay for at least an hour, we'll leave," Ashley tries to compromise with me.

"Fine! But can I have my shit back?" I roll my eyes and gesture to my snack.

Ashley smiles at me then hands them back to me as I stand up, dusting any crumbs from the Takis off of my clothes.

She examines my outfit, cringing, "You need to change, Kid," She began but quickly corrected herself, "Sorry, I want you to change."

"Yo, there's nothing wrong with my outfit, Ashley!" I say, slightly offended. Her eyes lead over to the mirror on the other wall. I glance at myself, noticing all the stains and residue of what I had eaten previously, "Okay, Okay. You're right, I need to change." I run upstairs fairly quickly to get to my room, leaving Ashley waiting.

Once I arrive to my room, I strip of my current outfit and into a clean one. I throw on a random pair of black, knee length shorts and a black Gucci shirt that was baggy. Obviously.

Jogging downstairs, I hear voices, two to be exact.

I continue down and see Jaquae standing next to Ashley, "Hey, dude. How's it goin'!" I inquire as I walk up to the two.

The taller man smiles, "It's going. How's the music coming along?"

I smile, "Eh, it's been pretty diffucult to actually get anything written with Finneas because of all the interviews and shit." Jaquae nods and turns to Ashley, who looks at me.

"You ready?" She asks, I nod, and we all head out the door.

We pull up to a house, a pretty big house I might add. People were scattered everywhere on the lawn. I could only Imagine how crowded it is inside.

We all three get out, Ashley making sure to lock the doors, and head inside.

I was right, bodies of all ages were placed all over, and the aroma of drugs and alcohol filled my nostrils, a slighy burning sensation arised.

No one seemed to pay any attention to me, which was a delight because, as much as I love my fans, I can get a bit overwhelmed sometimes.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Ashley, "Hmm?"

She just laughs, "I asked if you wanted a drink?"

I'm not a big drinker. Hell, any more than one glass of celebration champagne is too much for my liking.

"Uh, just a Coke, please."

She nods slightly then walks away.

I'm awkwardly standing by myself since Jaquass hat left me to go wherever he goes.

"Uh, Hi," A soft voice spoke from behind me. I turn around to be met by an unfamiliar girl.

She was shorter than me, between five-foot and five-one. Her hair was draped over one shoulder and laced beautifully with little details. And her eyes were absolutely gorgeous.

"H-Hey," I stutter.

The girl shifts in position, switching the classic red solo cup from her left hand to her right, "You seemed kind of lonely, so I thought I'd give you some company," She smiled.

I felt a grin pull at my lips, "My friends left to go do," I began, looking around at the many people in the room, "whatever people do at parties."

A little chuckle came from the girl's lips, "I'm Lucy."

If felt nice to have someone introduce themselves to me as if they have no idea who I am, it makes me feel normal.

"Billie," I stick my hand out for her to shake, and she accepts.

Damn her hands are soft.

"I've got your Coke, Bi-oh, who's this?" Ashley raises her eyebrows in surprise.

I watch the girl, whose name is Lucy, introduce herself to Ashley.

As Ashley was about to shake Lucy's hand, she notices both cups, "Billie, take your damn cup,"

I take my drink from her as they continue to talk a little bit.

I clear my throat, almost inaudible but to where Ashley could hear me.

"Well, I'm going to go see if I can get some. It was nice meeting you, Lucy!" Without even waiting for Lucy to say anything, she swiftly turns on her heels and walks off.

Lucy and I talked, played pool, ate pizza up until Ashley needed to be taken home. Since I can't drive, Jaquae is our designated driver.

"You know what? Let's trade numbers, I want to hang out sometime," Lucy suggested, handing me her phone and her mine

When we swapped phones back, I waved her goodbye and helped Ashley to the car.

Once we got the drunken Ashley into the car and situated, we pull off and drive home.

"So, did ya have fun?" Jaquae looks at me, smiling.

I just shrug, "It was alright, I guess."

That was lie, I had fun talking to Lucy.

Jaquae just shrugged.

The rest of the way home was quiet except from the radio, which was pretty quiet, too, but it was still heard.

I lean my head against the window and watch as cars, buildings and lights all pass by.

One thing was on my mind, though, and that thing was Lucy.

I don't know what exactly about her made me so captivated, but it sure was strong. I mean, she seemed pretty chill, so maybe it was her mannerism?

I had arrived home, and all I did was go straight to bed, leaving Jaquae to deal with Ashley. And it didn't take much time until I slipped into unconsciousness.

cherished {HIATUS}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora