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It was all a mistake.

That's what they kept telling themselves, after they realized that they had accidentally killed their own father. Actually, it was worse than killing him-he had been completely wiped from existence.

They had killed his great-great-grandfather, and thus started a chain reaction that meant he would die too. After they had ascended to godhood, however, they were no longer bound to the chains of family, and they had survived.

But now they were desperate. They were worried they had killed him, but to have their fears become reality was unbearable. They were happy with him, and even if their relationship had its ups and downs, they would give up anything to restore him into being.

It was a mistake. Mistakes had to be fixed. And luckily, they had the power to do it.

They raise a fist to the sky, determined and defiant. "Reality itself, bend to my will! Turn back the flow of time, to the point this all began!"
A spirit manifests behind them. It's taller than they are, and pure white and gold. A long, flowing scarf trails behind it, covering its mouth. This was Viva la Vida, the proverbial paper cloth to clean up the spill.

Viva strikes the ground, causing it to start to crack. The cracks start their normal red, but quickly change to a pale yellow. Time and space itself began to crumble around them, since they had willed events that had already happened to not happen in the first place. Nothing could defy the will of a god.

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