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Hello there, and welcome to a random collection of my poetry that I found. Most of this was written when I was in college and I've left it all unedited so I can show my style progression when I release newer writing. Below is a list of the poems with brief descriptions in case you are looking for something specific. Thank you in advance for reading and feel free to leave me feedback (I'm very open to criticism, don't worry). I hope you enjoy reading <3

A Modern Rejection Poem

Based on Shakespearean romantic poetry, this poem highlights the difference between traditional romance and modern courting.

Freedom Doves

This came about after experiencing feelings of being unable to keep up with my peers and some late-night thoughts about birds in cages versus flying free. 

Trouting About

This was triggered by a visual exercise of people-watching and note-taking in my old college. 

Villanelle in Chemo

A bit of a dark one here. I've personally lost too many family members to cancer and the form of a villanelle just felt right for this intense topic of the struggle to remain alive. 

Are We so Very Different?

This was written in response to the recent refugee crisis and discusses humanity. 

The Other Option

Written about the desire for another option in love and the simultaneous fear of the unknown. 

Future Poverty

A shorter response to the refugee crisis. 

Oceanic Murder

An image of a friend's betrayal. 

How Civilised 

A third response to the refugee crisis and war, with inspiration taken from news stories on the topic. 

Cosplay Life

Cosplay is a lot of work and this is basically a rant. 

It Doesn't Matter 

Exploring the feeling of wanting to stay in bed with a loved one. 

Just, Think About It

A trip for the mind; slight existential crisis. 


Inspired by the pros and cons of staying home when you feel you have to attend to your social life. 

Afore Rain

An image of the moments and sensations just before rain. 

Anxiety's Grip

Composed during an anxiety attack (no joke) and is an attempt at a poetic explanation of the condition. 


A slightly spicy one inspired by the exploration of racial 'othering' in literary criticism. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A random one made up of cuttings from a newspaper. 

Ink of My Being

By a writer, for the writers, about writing anxieties. 

Hazel Eyes

One of the oldest ones here. I wrote it about my sister - love you always, Laura. <3 

Madness in Art

Inspired by my learning about Van Gogh and his struggles with mental health. Structure inspired by 'Just Passing' by Francis Barker. 

The Power of Words

This poem was a rant that took its own form. You can read it forwards but also backwards (going up the lines) for a different meaning. 

I Am Angry with You

Inspired by my friend and fellow writer Willow's writing style and characters, this is an experimental piece exploring anger in response to grief. 

The Mirror Me

A very deep one. I can't remember the poetic form, but repetition is the key point here. (Disclaimer: I'm fine haha). 


A poem about the cons of being too optimistic. 

I Remember January 

A new year one to end this on. Hope you're having a great one whichever year you're reading this!

A Collection of Poetry Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now