The Dark Demon

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        As the radio was blasting while Nicola was driving, I kept on thinking about what happened at the theatre with Shawn. Why would I smile at a normal? Why would I say a normal is cute? Did I think Shawn was cute? No. I don't. I hate normals. This hasn't happened before and i'm freaking out. Soon, Nicola started to sing along to some annoying song on the radio. 

"Will you please shut up? You're getting annoying." I shouted over the music

"Alrighty, tighty. I want some starbucks. It's pumpkin spice latte season" she replied

"Sure, I'm in the mood"

        We parked and entered Starbucks. I immediatly noticed there was no one in the coffee shop. That's strange, this Starbucks is usually packed with common teen normals taking stupid selfies of their drinks. Thank all the demons that it's empty. There was only one blue eyed blonde barista in the coffee shop. "Hello, what can I get for you?" asked the barista. I got a closer look at her name tag, it said Lauren. 

"Can we get two grande pumpkin spice lattes please?" Nicola ordered

"Alright, anything else today?"

"No thanks" 

        While we waited for our drinks, Shawn kept comming into my head. What was happening to me? To take my mind of the stupid normal, I watched Lauren, the barista, make our drinks. As I was watching, I saw Lauren pour some odd liquid into the drinks. Maybe Nicola asked for some extra zing to our drinks.  "Two pumpkin spice lattes for Selena and Nicola" said Lauren. Weird, I don't recall Lauren asking for our names. That's when it hit me, Lauren was a demon hunter. We took our pumpkin spice lattes and I nudged Nicola. She nodded at me indicating she knew Lauren was a demon hunter. We walked outside and thre our drinks into the garbage. The blue liquid Lauren poured in our drinks was demon poison. No demon in the demon world knows where demon poison is found, the hunters are the only ones that know. 

"Well Selena, this is going to be a fun night." Nicola said while smirking

        "Aha, very" I replied. We walked to the car and got our spare swords and weapons located at the bottom of the trunk. Walking back to the shop we put magical mist on the swords so only demons can see it. "Let's get down to business"

        I entered the shop, Lauren noticed me in shock. She asked "Back again? Is there a problem? Anything you need?" The only thing I need right now is her head sliced.

"Oh, no. No problem at all. I just want two chocolate cookies" I replied 

        "Oh, um okay. $4.15 please" Lauren looked confused. Well, all Demon hunters are very stupid, as, all normals are, so she obviously doesn't assume we have figured she is a hunter. Nicola entered the shop and Lauren looked at her with her eyes narrowed. Lauren turned to her and asked her if she needed anything. I took this opportunity to jump over the counter and slam her to the ground. Lauren cried out. I took my sword out and said; "Stupid, stupid little girl. You think you could fool us? Pouring demon poison right in front of our eyes? Haha. I didn't think you hunters were actually that idiotic. Well actually, I knew you hunters were. Goodnight forever". Nicola took her sword and cut through her. I dropped Lauren and a bright light shown through her. The thing about demonic swords is that it makes the body dissapear instantly so that no trace is shown. Now that the fun was over, I quickly took a venti cup and started making myself a drink. I'm not one to waste precious money. 

"Making a drink two seconds after killing a hunter?" Nicola asked with a smile on her face


Nicola laughed "Make me one too" Nicola winked and left to the car

        Once I finished making the drinks, I walked out to join Nicola. "SELENA" I heard someone calling my name. I looked around and saw Shawn running towards me. Oh gosh, just keep walking and pretend you didn't see or hear him. "Hey Selena" Shawn said catching up me. Sadly, Shawn ended up right beside me. "Hey" he said while catching his breath.

"Um.. hi Shawn.." I replied

"I didn't get a chance to thank you for letting me come with you guys to the movies. I had a fun time tonight." Shawn said while smiling

"Oh, I didn't want you to come. Nicola didn't tell me you were comming. I wouldn't have come if I knew you would be joining us." I said harshly. Shawn's smile faded. 

"Oh.." Was all Shawn could say

        "Yup, well I'm going to go to Nicola. She's waiting for me" I started walking but Shawn's hand caught my arm. I turned and Shawn said, "Why are you so mean? I did nothing to you. I've been nothing but nice to you." I looked into his eyes, they looked watery. Was he about to cry? I quickly turned away and saw Nicola running to us. "Oh my gosh! Shawn, hey! What are you doing here?" Nicola shouted

Shawn wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "I was gonna get myself a drink and I saw Selena. We were just talking." 

        Nicola looked at me and I rolled my eyes. I walked away towards the car. Was I too harsh to Shawn? After about 5 minutes of waiting I sneaked a peek at Nicola and Shawn, I saw Shawn wipe his eyes. Nicola reached out for Shawn's hand and said something. Shawn looked up at Nicola and nodded, Nicola leaned forward and placed her forehead on Shawns and then their lips met. Nicola was kissing Shawn and my chest started to hurt. My stomach felt heavy. Something didn't feel right, I felt upset and angry. Why was I feeling this? I've never felt this way before. Soon, I felt something wet on my cheek. It was a tear. Why was I tearing up? I took my phone out and searched all the things I was feeling. The first thing that showed up was jealously, I scrolled down in hopes it was just some sickness or something rather than jealously. I was not jealous, I couldn't be jealous. I looked up and saw Nicola comming this way, cheeks red and smiling. I quickly wiped my tears away, I knew I was not jealous. There must be some other explanation besides jealousy. Nicola came up to me and stared at me like she wanted to kill me.

"What is wrong with you Selena?" Nicola yelled

"I.. what.. what do you mean..?" but I knew exactly what she meant

        "I can't believe you would go that far. I knew you were rude, but I didn't think you'd hurt someone to the point of sobs. The things you said were straight up disgusting and sick. I can't believe you would do that. I actually thought you had a heart in that dark body in yours, but, you don't. Selena, you aren't just a demon. You're a rude, heartless, sick, and even more evil than evil, if that's even possible. You are dark. You are a dark demon." Nicola was on the verge of tears. You know, I actually would've taken that as a compliment, but those words hurt harder than I could imagine. Especially since it came from my best friend. The sad thing was, I agreed with her and I agreed with google. I was jealous. 

Dark Demon. Shawn MendesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang