Chapter 6: "Mary Vanderwood, you ass"

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(In this chapter, it's mostly Saeyoung's point of view)

No ones POV
You took your phone out and is about to text Saeyoung, but hesitated. "Should I text him..? I'll probably be a burden to him.. fuck it." You said as you text him. 'Hey, I know that said this before, but thank you for hanging out with me. I appreciate it. Drive safe home. ❤️" You added the heart emoji. Then send. You put the phone down and sighed to yourself. Saeyoung parked his car in the garage and glanced at his phone. He couldn't believe that you had texted him. Part of him grew excited and happy. But he quickly ignored that and focused on replying. 'Sure, anytime! It's what friends do.' You heard a ding from your phone. You looked at your phone and sees a text from him. You smiled a bit and felt a bit friendzoned. 'Why do I feel like I'm being friendzoned? Oh, wait, he is. I knew I'm not good enough. I probably scared of him off.. the way he left. Such a idiot of me..' you thought to yourself. And texted back. 'Of course! I hope that you're doing well at work. I know that it's a lot, I give you credit for it. :)' 'Thanks! 😁 I should probably focus on work. Talk to you later' He glanced at the time and sighed softly seeing that it was getting late. He texted you goodnight and then started to focus on his work. Another night of staying up late and cramming projects all together.

Your POV
You checked the time and realized that it's getting late. "Wow, already? Geez. I should get ready for bed then.." You said, going to your bedroom with your stuffed cat. You changed to your pjs, then goes to lay down on your bed with the stuffed animal, and trying to fall asleep but couldn't. He's on your mind. Too much thoughts about what happened. You had too much on your mind that it was hard for your to sleep, but managed to fight it, and finally fell asleep.

Saeyoung's POV
I chugged a can of soda and continued working on what the agency needed. I sighed softly and glanced at the other computer screen. "These people." I mumbled and yawned. I was so tired. Vanderwood came in the room where Saeyoung is with a cigarette in hand and leaned on the side of the door. "Where the hell have you been all day agent 707?" He asked in a pissed, stricted tone. Oh boy, its Mr. Nags, pissed off as usual. "Getting snacks and more soda, a man has to eat you know. You're not much help Maid Vanderwood." I continued working on my hacking for one of the clients. "I'm not your maid." He said face palming himself. "The whole though? Pfft, I can tell. Nothing but junk food. Of course." He slowly nodded and rolled his eyes. "Disgusting." "You don't cook me anything, what kind of maid doesn't cook." I shook my head and opened a can of PhD Pepper. "Well, maybe because I'm not your 'maid'! I always clean up after yourself, and I'm here to babysit your lazy ass, because I know damn well that you'll slack off, just like today." He huffed and start to smoke on his cigarette. "I did not!" I scoffed and placed my hand over my chest. "I am offended that you would even think I would do something like that, truly." He blew out the smoke out of his mouth making the whole room smell. "Maybe because you do slack off? I don't believe that lie when you said that you got snacks, There's snacks literally everywhere for the love of God. Especially the entire day? That's what I call bullshit. Where did you really go?" He asked as he crosses his arms and gave him a glare. "That's none of your business, you mean lady." I huffed and took a sip of my soda. I was just trying to ignore the question any way possible now. "Can you get me some chips now?" He noticed that he avoid the question, but wasn't really in the mood to say anything. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll get your stupid chips. You better not be slacking off, or I'll tell our boss." He walked away to get the chips for me. "I'm not." I huffed and glanced at my phone. She was asleep hopefully. I couldn't risk getting any texts from her right now. I sighed and focused on work. He came back with the bag with chips. "Here's your stupid chips that you asked for." He tossed it at his head and it fell to the floor. "You're so mean." I mumbled and grabbed the chips. I opened the bag and started to eat them. "The best dinner ever!" I said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not like you eat anything else besides chips anyway." He rolled his eyes and swinged his long hair back. "Because you won't make anything!" I whined and continued working. "This is the same argument we have every time. I always win." "Of course, you do. Because you're a smart ass. Clearly." He shooked his head. "Just get back to work, I have no time to play games with you." He mumbled as he walked out of the room. "You're so mean." I mumbled and shook my head. "You'll never understand." I huffed and continued working. He came back as he said that. "Understand about what? You being lazy? Yeah, I'll never understand." He said sarcastically. "I am not lazy, I just like to take my time sometimes," I mumbled and glanced back at him. "You can be a pain in the butt." His eyes got wide open, he didn't expect him to say that, because he's used of Saeyoung teasing him. "I'm glad that you feel that way, because I feel the same way with you. I'm still asking myself why I'm stuck with you." He said as he pulled out another cigarette and starts lighting it up. "I don't know. You can always leave y'know." I huffed and spun around in my chair. "I'm tired of all of this... I want a day off to relax but no." He puts his cigarette in his mouth and blew on it again and shooked his head. "Well, that's life." He said as he left the room. "Just go back to work agent 707." He said from the distance. "Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes and continued working. I knew better than to stop working for even a second. I knew the consequences if I did.

(I'm sorry that this chapter is short, it's usually long, but I'm lazy. But in the next chapter, It'll be long. So stay tuned!)

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