Mario x Sonic

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Mario met Sonic's lustful gaze and shivered. He was so fucking hot, Mario began to run his fingers up Sonic's inner thigh. Sonic's PP twitched and he drew his body nearer the edge of the bed. Sonic could feel the hardness of Mario's PP pressing into him. He turned towards him, his soft tongue brushing his lips. "Thank you." Sonic slowly pushed himself towards Mario. He was now not only inside of Mario, but he could feel his PP pulsing as he pushed further and further into Mario's body. Sonic gasped. It was so amazing. Sonic was really doing this. This was supposed to be funny, just a prank it wasn't supposed to actually end up in them doing this. The thing was, Sonic's body was quivering with a pleasure like none he'd ever known. Mario shifted a bit inside of Sonic, shooting pleasure up sonic's spine. Sonic couldn't help it as a small sound escaped past his lips. Mario smiled and shifted again in an effort to replicate the noise. Sonic only barely held it in, embarrassed he had allowed the first one. No way would Mario ever think of him as manly if he moaned. Mario thrust-ed into Sonic this time. Sonic couldn't hold back. He whimpered. "You're-a little whiny-a brat, Sonic," Mario gruffly whispered, thrusting into him again. Sonic's heart was pounding so loud he could barely hear Mario's words. He couldn't respond, for fear of making an even louder sound. He was afraid that once he started he wouldn't be able to stop. Mario leaned in towards sonic's ear and whispered a command. "Scream-a for me, you little-a bitch." Mario thrust into him again, and again, and Sonic did, in fact, scream. It was a pitiful thing full of lust and wanting. It sounded needy. It was exactly what Mario wanted.

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