Chapter one

85 6 13

Triggers: Abuse (Verbal, sexual and physical), blood, swearing, self-hate, cutting, blood, yelling, my awful writing and a uhhh a mean green mother from outer space


      It was almost a normal day in the mindscape, Logan was reading in the kitchen, enjoy a nice cup of coffee, Patton was baking brownies for his 'kiddos', Virgil sat alone in his room, on Tumblr, and Roman was belting a song from one musical or another. Like I said, almost a normal day. Almost.

     But, normal doesn't last. Ever. On a normal school day, you might have a fire drill in the middle of a test. Or your dog might get out of the yard. Anything that doesn't happen to you often, would not be normal. Today was Virgil's turn for something off to happen. Well, to anyone but him. Because what I'm about to show you is not normal for most people, but it happens almost everyday to Virgil. Now, I'll give you a more mild version of what went down, though it won't be mild at all.

    Another thing that's not normal, would be someone kicking down your door. But like I said, what happens to Virgil today, happens all the time.

    "H-hi D- master A/n that hurt me so much to write you have no idea- but it was necessary. "Two things." Deceit sighed, " What did I say about stuttering, and who told you to speak?"

     "Th-that is p-pathetic, a-and n-no one..." Virgil actually wanted to die right then and there with the look tHAT SLIPPERY SNAKE gave him. Sorry. Let's continue. You see, Deceit, our buddy our pal, is an abusive bastard who deserves to rot in hell. So of course, when the younger did something 'wrong', he would be punished. 

    "Get up, bitch." Virgil stood, shaking. "You need a punishment for existing, but I'm horny. So it'll be different today."

    He tensed. Deceit had never, and I mean never  touched him like, like THAT. That sick fuck!

    "Strip." It was a simple command. But the hardest thing Virgil had ever done. Now, I'm not gonna tell you what happened next in grave detail, but long story short. It was a kinky ass rape followed by a beating. And then,

    "You," WHACK "Are," WHACK "The most," WHACK WACHK "Useless," Beat. "Disorder," tears. "I've ever had the displeasure of meeting." WHCAK. "Clean up. We have a video in an hour." The whip dropped to the floor with a clatter. And Virgil lay there, knowing it was all true. He knew he was useless, he knew he was a disorder, and he knew he would never feel love.

    The next half an hour was spent cleaning up blood and cum, then showering and getting ready.

     30 minutes. A lot can happen in thirty minutes. Newton didn't want the sun in his eyes, so he sat under an apple tree and bam! Gravity. That was less than thirty minutes. Though sometimes, it's not a good thing. 

    Knifes. The word that no one could spell until third grade. The things your parents warn you to stay away from. The things that cut your food. The things that people used to stab their friends. Virgil's one and only friend. His knife. He dragged it across his arm, deeper, harder, faster. A/n you dirty minded little fucks The beautiful red liquid that runs through our veins, was pouring out of Anxiety. And he smiled. The pain he inflected on himself was the one thing he could control. But this time, it brought back old memories, lost in the deepest, darkest corner of his mind. 

    "Anxiety! C'mon! You gotta at least TRY to catch him!" Morality called, giggling. 

    "But he's so fast! How I am I supposed to get him!" He groaned. 

    "I'll help you!" The two boys then ran as fast as their little legs would carry them on either side of Creativity, and closed in. 

    "TAG, YOUR IT!" Anxiety all but screamed in his ear, laughing and running away. 


    "NUH UH!'

    "YAH HUH!"

    "NUH UH!"

     "YAH HUH!"

    "YAH HUH!"

    "NUH UH! Wait... hey! you tricked me!"

    Virgil giggled. "It's okay! Logic fell for it too!"

    "Your laugh is cute. Will you be my boyfriend?" The eight year-old asked.

    "No. He's mine." Deceit cut into their game and grabbed Anxiety away from the prince.

    "Wha-? No I'm not! I wanna be with Princey!" The six year-old tried to get away.

    He wondered if Roman would still want to be his boyfriend. Probably not. They were just kids then. By now he's realized how much he hate Virgil. That was the day Deceit cut him off from the others. He only ever sees them in scripted videos, and they couldn't say how they truly felt about him in those videos. 

    He quickly cleaned up his blood, put his knife away and got ready to appear...

Hey y'all! This sucks I know, but I was bored. I don't think I'll update a lot because I'm really stressed right now and I hate my writing and life is hard and yeah. If anyone likes this and you want me to write more I will but for now I won't be writing too much. Sorry. Happy Father's Day! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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