The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

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The Time Machine was H. G. Wells first novel. It was an instant hit when published in 1895. He went on to write many other works including War of the Worlds (although a great one to read). But enough about history- let's get to the meat!

The main theme of the story was the differences in social classes,  I know soooo interesting. But 'Writers write what they know' ~My Lit. teacher. Wells knew about the social classes because during that time socialism was the huge topic plus Wells was a hardened socialist himself.

Little bit into socialism (this is really boring isn't it but it's almost over!): Basic idea of socialism is that the rich people/capitalist have all the money and the poor/labors can never get ahead. To solve this the money would be distrubuted to everyone and all businesses would be made into one (Like all the internet companies (AT&T, Comcast, Brighthouse, etc.) would be made into one all powerful company. In theory the workers would benefit. Yeah, if you want to research it you can... It makes my brain hurt....

ANYWAY back to the story. The Time Traveler (his name is never mentioned- so annoying!) makes a time machine and travels to the future. In fact he travels to 802701 AD.

What he finds is a Utopia- and a disappointment. You see the world is free of diseases and man has subdued all of nature, all of their problems are solved. Magnificent gardens and buildings are everywhere.

But the people are incredibly dumb. Without the push for improving their lives they have "evolved" into childish, simple people called Eloi. They have an attention span of a 2 year old and their language has become incrediblly simple- only simple phrases.

BUT there is another group of people. A people that live underground and are blinded in light. They are called Morlocks. They look like a human spider that is all white.  They make things for the Eloi.

This is where the socialism comes in: The Time Traveler realizes that the Eloi, the pampered children, in the garden are the descendents of the wealthy Capitalist. They lived a life of ease on the surface of the earth. Whereas the Morlocks are the descendents of the labors and the poor. 

The Traveler deducted that at sometime the workers moved underground and the wealthy owned all the land on top. And Slowly the human race "evolved" into two different races. The underworlders and the upperworlders.

Weird, right?

Anyway the Time Traveler 'misplaces' his time machine and is stuck. What will happen? Where did it go? Will he survive? So many questions and you can only find out if you read it!

Altogether The Time Traveler makes you feel as if you're in a Dr. Who episode. It's full of adventure and suspense- a definate must read!

Thank you for reading

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