Chapter 1

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The boy paces back and forth across the room. His blond hair messed and eyebrows narrowed.
"This is the year, we will finally get rid of those children." He mutters not aware he'd spoken out loud.
"Yes master, you will get those children" Nervously stammers a man dressed in rags from the side of the room.
"Silence you fool, you interrupted my train of thought." He raged seeming to double in height despite only being 16. The man who'd spoken flees to the corner of the room cowering.
"Is Master Tristan in the premises." A woman asked, her hair a bright red crazy mess.
"That would be me" The boy replies.
"I'm told that the children are heading to that school in a few days"
"Good work my servant. You have served your purpose. Now leave."
The woman bows and leaves the room leaving Tristan alone muttering to himself
"Stupid prophecy why can't I understand it?

War chases youth away
Until black and white unite with gray
The year of 12 has finally come
The deeds of evil will be done
Stars shatter in the night
No ones defeated without a fight

"What could it mean?" He wonders aloud, "its total nonsense, why can't it just say Tristan wins so give up now?". "It shouldn't be this hard!!!" Tristan shouts and throws a glass vial with paper in it a wall. Glass goes everywhere and cuts Tristan. The boy swears and leaves the room muttering that one day. Soon. He would get those stupid kids.

Sorry for the short chapter, it is just setting the scene anyway hope you enjoy! -Jemma & May

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