Chapter 4- Ayla-Rose

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Ayla-Rose is freaking out. Like majorly freaking out. First with the plane, then with the stupid skywalk... its all gotten too much. She hates heights so MUCH. Not to mention the fact that she is massively afraid of them too. She starts to leave the meeting room by inching along the skywalk when a tall girl, with wavy brown hair and a flannel shirt, bumps into her nearly sending her off the edge.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" the girl says, helping Ayla-Rose up from the edge of the path.
"No no no, its alright I'm just really scared of heights!" Ayla-Rose replies shakily as she tries to stand up again whilst feeling really dizzy.
"If it helps, I read in a book a couple years ago that it's impossible to fall off the edge."
"Ohh... really?!" Ayla-Rose suddenly didn't feel so dizzy anymore. She sticks out her hand and introduces herself to the girl, who's name is Halley.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Halley."
"Yeah. you too."
The students all reach the skyscraper after about 5 mins of walking and are just about frozen from the cold temperatures when the automatic doors to the skyscraper immediately opens.  The first students step forward, revealing a sight to behold. Halley and Ayla-Rose just stand there, their breath taken away.
The room is about the size of two soccer fields and the walls seemed to be made up of giant swirling galaxies. Well at least that's what they look like. Halley informs Ayla-Rose and another group of girls stand close by that they are actually portals to other classrooms and dorms. A girl asks how she knows all this but Halley just shrugs. In the room there are also giant glowing orbs which flood the room with a warm glow and 12 big tables with 12 seats. Standing to the side of the room is about 13 adults including Headmaster Benner who stands in the middle. Most of them smile and wave at the new students but some just stand stoically.
"Please make your way to the stage area and sit down students....The quicker we get this done the quicker I can go get a coffee." Said one of the more casual and kind teachers jokingly, earning a few laughs from the students who are filing into the room and sitting down on the stage. 

"You'll get to know the teachers here a lot better in the coming days but for now I'm Professor Gilbert Ramone, but you guys can call Gil. I'm your social sciences teacher, but you'll also learn more about that in the next few days" he says with a wink. Ayla-Rose takes an instant liking to him, and looking around sees the other students feel similar.
"So here goes nothing this is professor-" Gil continues whilst another teacher steps up to the stage and then another and then another until all the students are positively overwhelmed with information as they try to remember teachers names. Finally after what seems like hours of introductions Headmaster Benner steps up to the stage and addresses the 120 odd kids sitting down expectantly.

"Hello all! So as you all know, every 12 years we take 120 new students who are born with enhanced abilities due to the star sign they were born under. You may either be from Civitas Stellas or from the Stella Mortale realm. All of you are special and will complete your education here for the next 12 years. But this was all explained to you in the meeting.... So now it's time to get down to business." he pauses, letting this sink in as the students chatter excitedly. Ayla-Rose couldn't help feeling a bit uncomfortable  and nervous, especially looking across at the 120 STRANGERS she was meant to spend the next 12 years with and she couldn't even comprehend the fact that she might have- what did the headmaster call it?- 'enhanced abilities.' She is just gonna have to suck it up, make friends and try her hardest to fit in. It's harder than it sounds. 

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