Fantasy World

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She lived in a world where mean people were extinct. Where dinosaurs roamed free , but never attacked. Where suicide was not in their vocabulary. Where she could fly just by jumping up. Where the wind blew and you could go with it if you wished.

Then she met him.

He entered her supernova fantasy world.  He took her beyond limits she had. He stole things...then he left.

Her world crumbling with the mess he left. People were sad to the point they learned new search for what they all had before many were lost to the sadness she felt. She sat in the emptiness and cried.

In the end her world was inhabited by one only. Herself. ...and even that she fears will only be a limited amount of time .


Okay hate to.say this but i jave.come to and end with these. Yes if you liked this one another short stories one will come just not sure when or what it will be called. But keep a look out , and if you care about my personal life i have few true friends and way to much extra time to love people i cant have...... so instead of being a human i quite and turned into an alien ....a beautiful alien...if i was human id be a beautiful monkey: ) lol

Bye! Love you in case you didn't know~Marie out!

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