Chapter 18

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September 30, 2010 (Sunday)

'Aniyo,' Ha Eun said but her voice echoed.

Taemin stood far from her, smiling evilly.

'Ha Eun, come here,' She heard Taemin say.

'Nan shireo,' She replied with tears rolling down her cheeks while she stepped back.

However, it seemed like even if she had taken so much steps backwards, she wasn't moving from where she was but Taemin was just a few steps away already.

She tried to run but Taemin had gripped her hand tightly and dragging her with him. She screamed to let her go but he only laughed and tighten his hand around her wrist.

'Let me go. Butakdeurimnida (I beg you),' She pleaded and  cried even more but Taemin didn't give her any response and began to so the unimaginable things to her again like he did before.

'Jebal! Geumanhe!' She screamed so loud that it woke Jimin up.

She had been having nightmares again. She was shifting uncontrollably on ber bed and she was crying.

'Geumanhe. Butakdeurimnida,' She cried then Jimin shook her to wake up.

'JungBiseo! JungBiseo!' Jimin yelled.

'Andwae!' She screamed.

'JungBiseo!' Jimin yelled again causing her to wake up, panting.

Upon seeing Jimin, she flinched and moved away from him.

'Neo nuguya (Who are you)?' Ha Eun asked unable to recognise him in the dark.

He turned on her lampstand and there she recognised him.

'JungBiseo, gwaenchana?' He asked worriedly.

' Geuneun nareul delyeo kago sip-eo handa (He wants to take me),' She sobbed.

'Nugu (Who)?' He asked.


His heart softened as she trembled cried.

'Uljima, hm? He's not going to take you,' Jimin comforted as if he was talking to alittle girl.

After she calmed down, Ha Eun fell asleep again. Jimin had decided to leave although he was somehow hesitating to. When he had completely decided that he had to leave, he exited her house.

During his journey back to his house, he began to realize the things that he had done while he was in Ha Eun's house. He had done things that the Jimin he knew from three years ago would do; the things that the man he is right now wouldn't. He realised that this was all because of one woman that he loved so dearly but still somehow couldn't forget about it. He didn't understand himself, he no longer loved her, he had moved on but he couldn't forget about all the things that had happened.

'Where were you last night?' Yoongi asked, coming down the staircase.

'Nowhere,' Jimin replied and walked directly to his room.

'What's with him?' Yoongi muttered and followed Jimin to his room.

He sat at the end of his bed, thinking about Areum and what is it that he had to do to forget all the things that had happened. He fixed his gaze on the floor, sighing a couple of times.

' What's bothering you?' Yoongi asked and entered his room.

'Eobseo (Nothing),' Jimin bluntly answered.

'Jeongmal? Ah, eotokke? Your face, your eyes totally says a different thing,' Yoongi said and kicked Jimin's shoe.

'Hyung, what did you do for forget Yoon Mi noona?' Jimin asked.

Surprised of Jimin's unusual question he answered him. 'I didn't forget her, I could never. I had only let go of her to leave normally like I used to when she was alive. Waeyo?'

'Na....Naneun geunyeoreul igo sipda (I want to forget her),'  Jimin said.

For awhile, Yoongi was confused about who Jimin meant but with the look on his face, Areum immediately popped inside his head.

'Why have you suddenly thought about her?' Yoongi asked.

'Naneun moleunda (I don't know). I just thought that after all these years, I've been living with the memory of her and it's affecting how I treat others and how I wamt to treat them,' Jimin replied recalling what had happened to Ha Eun.

He wanted to hug her to calm her down, tell her everything was going to be alright and she didn't have to be afraid but that had stopped him.

' What do you mean by that? 'Yoongi asked, wanting to confirm what Jimin really meant although he had an idea of the contents of his words.

' You said not all women are the same, 'Jimin began.' And I thought that women are all liars and they only fool you. Even though it's hard for me to admit; you were right. '

' Mwo? '

' Don't act so surprised. I know you like it whenever I say you're right,'Jimin snickered.' Hajiman, when I was with JungBiseo last night and this morning, I reali--'

'EH?! You were with her?'

'Ah, kapjagiya,' Jimin mumbled after flinching from Yoongi's sudden outburst.

'Geurae, I was with her,'  He replied and told Yoongi everything that had happened.

'Is she alright?' Yoongi asked.

'Yeah, she is,' Jimin sighed.

'Now, that you had realised what you actually must've realised a few years ago, what are you going to do?'

'Naneun moleunda. Knowing that someone had suffered worst than I have but is still able to smile through her rough times makes me think that maybe it's time I do the same,' He answered.

'Jimin-ah, I'm proud of you,' Yoongi uttered and gave Jimin a smile and a pat on the back.

Jimin could only smile. When Yoongi had left, his phone vibrated and he read the message from his mother informing him that he had to go lunch with them to meet the woman that his mother hs been setting him up with since last night. He replied back saying that he wasn't feeling well and had a hangover after having so much drinks with his friends last night. He was going to lie as much as he could to delay that meeting with the woman that his mother would probably ask him to marry in a week. As he successfully msde his mother believe that he wasn't well, she jumped into the shower.

'Why on earth is your mother asking me if you're really sick?' Yoongi asked as he joined Jimin by the veranda. 'Neo apeuni (Are you sick)?'

'Aniyo. My mom is setting me up with this random woman I don't even know later during lunch,' He said. 'Just tell her I'm really sick.'

'Why don't you just go and meet her? It's a good way fo forget about your ex,' Yoongi suggested while replying to Jimin's mother.

'Ani. Ani. Naaneun kago sipji anh-a (No. I don't want to go)' Jimin shook his head.

'Wae?! She might be pretty! You might like her. You'll never know if you don't go,' Yoongi insisted.

'You go since you seem more interested and exciting than me,' Jimin snapped.

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