Aphobes At Pride

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June is approaching and so are the insufferable exclusionists trying to make aros and aces seem inherently homophobic cringy people.

so, as an aspec who would like to enjoy pride for once in their damn life i have a request to non-exclusionists:

-when you see a post made by an ‘ace’ person that is so Obviously Bad and awful and Homophobic and all in all Problematic in Every Way, it’s very possible it wasn’t made by an asexual person but instead a piece of shit trying to demonize asexual people. if there’s a comment that says ‘this is why everyone hates asexuals’ ding! ding! aphobic asshole detected! please don’t reblog the post.

-if a post talks about how aces are better than allos and think we’re purer or whatever, that’s a troll. almost none of us think like this.

-if an ‘ace’ person refers to themselves as ‘acey’ or ‘asexy’ that’s probably a troll. while they were words we used to use exclusionists took them and user them to mock us and call us cringy. most of us don’t like using them because of this.

-if an ‘ace’ person calls allos ‘dirty allos'or ‘dirty sex havers’ that’s a troll baby! exclusionists refuse to understand the definition of asexuality, or that a lot of us enjoy sex.

-if you see a post made by an ‘ace’ or ‘aro'person that’s complaining about pda in pride, that’s a troll! if an aro or ace person feels uncomfortable we’ll just leave. we don’t go around yelling at people about pda. a lot of us like it in fact.

so in conclusion if you see a post made by an aro or ace person that’s too bad to be true, it probably is. please don’t put these people in my dash, it ruins pride month for me.

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