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Nico's POV

I was expecting this place to be hell. I was expecting to be dead in a week from my own hands. Most of all, I was expecting complete and udder loneliness and sadness. Oh how was I wrong.

Will Solace changed my life the second he sat down in my seat. I didn't know it then, but now, a month later, I know.

Every time I see him, which is daily, my internal organs turn into skeletal butterflies that find it fun to kick the hell out of me.

Every day I find myself anxious for him to come over.

And the most odd thing of everything, I smile. A lot. The kind where you get dimples and your teeth show and all that.

I know that I had it bad. I was madly in love with Will Solace.

The alarm clock beside me blared into my ears but I didn't need it. I was still wide awake, and I got absolutely no sleep last night.

I threw the alarm clock across my room, overdramatic, I know. Then I rolled out if bed and got ready. I put on a black t-shirt with a grey sun on it, a black aviator jacket, black and ripped skinny jeans, and black converse. I didn't bother cover all my scars with makeup.

I walked outside after adding one last thing to my outfit, a rainbow bracelet.

I made my way outside into the pouring rain and walked next door to Will's house. I knocked and he appeared VERY quickly, like he was standing just outside the door.

His beautiful pink lips were broken into a grin and his golden hair was messy in a hot way. Also, did I mention he was really hot.

He was wearing a yellow shirt with a grey moon, dark blue jean shorts and yellow sandals. I wanted to take him shopping SO bad. He really needs actual shoes. Wait.... OMGS HIS NAILS ARE PAINTED FUCKING RAINBOW STOP HYPERVENTILATING NICO THIS DOESN'T MEAN HE'S GAY BUT I FUCKING HOPE IT DOES.

I need mental help.

"Uh Neeks, are you ok? Your kinda staring at my toes." I nodded and started walking towards school. We walked together every day. Will looked so concerned, I felt bad.

"I-I like your nail polish.. " I whispered. I was awful at giving compliments, so I was terrified of what would happen.

He grinned wider, resembling a golden retriever, "Really!? Thank you!" After that he walked with a bounce in his step. His eyes occasionally flickered to my bracelet.

Did he have it bad too?

435 Words

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