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I'm stuck inside a spider's nest wrapped in a bundle of spider web hanging over a pit of impending doom. An Arachne, half spider half-woman, is busy with another "meal" just a little ways away and after a few hours, she'll be wanting her next. The closer I look at her the more frightened I get. She traps people with her beauty or her cunning and then eats them. I got caught by neither I was climbing a tree and a branch broke and I fell on her intricate web. I know what you're wondering how am I going to get out of this? Well, I'm still working on that. I bet you're also wondering who I am and how I got into this little predicament. Well, I'm Aamkane Stormroar and I'm an eighteen-year-old white minotaur, I lived in my labyrinth with my clan until they realized I wouldn't ever be able to show my true colors. You see if you want to know the whole story we'll have to start from the very, very beginning.

Aamkane First YearWhere stories live. Discover now