chapter one

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"Lilith?" Father blanched as he stared at his suposed dead wife.

She stormed up to were my father sat, darkness and fire dancing around as she moved, like they were a part of her. She looked up at him a fierce look in her eyes.

"Stop this at once!" She demanded.
"Look at him, he's your son for goodness sake!" She shouted pointing at me for good measure.

"He doesn't deserve this, to be sluaghtered like some kind of animal. Please, spare his life" she pleaded. Father closed his eyes in thought. When he opened then, they were like dark steel.

"I will spare his life, but only for one thousand years, and he will live as my prisoner" he proclaimed. I couldn't say I sighed in relief. What more did I have to live for without Gavain? Murmuring filled the space as angels and souls chattered to one another.

"SILENCE!" He shouted over the room chatter. Imediantly there was no sound left in the room.
"Thus is not up for debating. My word is law, and I have spoken. Gabriel, Michael take your brother to the dungeons. Lilith, if I could steal a few moments of your time" he called and as my brothers lifted me from my kneeling position. I hissed at the pain of my still broken legs as they dragged me across the floor.

After dragging me down several flights of stairs, they threw me in a small cell that contained only a toilet, a sink and a small cot made out of straw.

"Hope you rot down here, you filth." My brother hissed as he closed the door and locked it, sealing off all light. My cell didn't even have a window.

I spent a few days shivering before the door opened once more.

"Food" someone grunted out and placed a small tray of old bread and questionable water down on the ground. I shied away from it, not caring that my stomach rumbled or that my mouth was dry. I was going to be executed anyways. If I was going to die, it wouldn't be from that brain washed idiot.

Three more days pasted. Once the male saw I had nothing to do with the tray, he didn't touch it. He checked twice each day, but nothing chcmale. He didn't change my food or water either.

After a week had passed the hallucinations began.

"Lucifer" someone called and I look up to see Gavain. He was healthy and bright, a warm smile on his face. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to make sure it was him.

"Gavain?" I asked, not yet daring to move forward towards him. He nodded and crouched, leaning forwards like I was an injured animal, and maybe thats all I was at this point. Some kind of injured animal waiting to be put down.

I leaned up, a hand out stretched reaching for him, for my Gavain, when a sudden shock jolted me when I touched him. I arched against the wall, my legs screeching at my actions.

Gavain disappeared and there in his spot stood Michael, a small taser latched in his grasp. He chuckled as I settled myself back down on the ground, sweat plastering my hair to my forehead.

"Oh this is going to be fun" Michael said and walked towards me, a smile formed on his face.

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