Anxiety and psa

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Welp its pride month again, and two days until i go to pride party, the last few days I've been getting very anxious about going,anytime i go to an event like this it terrifies me.if you didn't know i live in Florida,near Orlando, and a few years ago there was a shooting at a gay nightclub.ever since then I'm scared about going to events,mainly because i know that where i live there are people who have some issues, and I've realized you don't know what people are thinking.another scary thing the estimated amount of people is over 1000. So yep anxiety is a bitch.I literally was in the closet for 3 years because i was afraid my friends would leave, because where i went to school i was basically the only gay one,i came out last year,and most of my friends support me,occasionally i get weird looks in the hallways but other than that most people dont really care. But i think if you do decide to come out dont tell the everyone,find people you trust.

Psa for today

Remember that whenever you go places where some people don't support or agree with you,don't let them tear you down,everyone is different just walk away and ignore them.

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