To be friends or not to be friends. That is the question.

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"Tsubomi, You were the only one who forgot your side of the bargain. It's only fair that I tell Yogi." Yuna smiled. Hearing these words were the last things Kido wanted.

"Yuna, It's not my fault!" Kido begged.

"It's not? Then you're blaming Shuuya?" Yuna chuckled.

"No! I-I....." Kido stuttered.

"No matter how much you deny it, Tsubomi, You broke our deal."

"YUNA, HE CONFESSED TO ME, OKAY?!" Kido's eyes began to water up.

"So?" Yuna snapped.

"Yuna, Shut up! This noise you're making is so annoying!" Yogi growled.

"Should I tell him, Tsubomi?" Yuna sat beside Kido.

"Yuna, Please, GIVE ME A CHANCE!" Kido sobbed.

"Yuna, Leave the girl alone!" Yogi glared at his sister.

"Fine, Fine. Tsubomi, One. Last. Chance." Yuna cast Kido sly smile. Kido nodded and wiped her tears.

"You okay, Tsubomi?" Yogi huffed as Yuna and her friends walked up to the front.

"Yeah....Thanks, Yogi." Kido sighed. Yogi nodded then sat beside her.

"So what did you think of Sayuri?"

"Hm? Oh, Sayuri? She's great. She's a lucky one, Yogi."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I can tell you like her."

Yogi blushed furiously. "How?"

"I have that kind of skill." Kido smiled with a shrug. "And she likes you too, So don't worry."

At this, Yogi turned redder than a tomato, If that's a thing. "S-So Shuuya confessed to you?" He tried to change the subject. It was Kido's turn to blush.

"Yeah...Last night...." She looked away.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing....I couldn't gather the courage to say anything but "Shuuya"."

"Do you feel the same way?"


"Yes you do~"

"Yogi...I...Can't tell him..." Kido sighed.

Just as Yogi opened his mouth to say something, Kano entered the room. The class looked at him and Yuna jumped into his arms shouting, "Shuuya!".

Kano stared at Yuna and smiled. Yuna let him go and dragged him to her seat.

"Shuuya must've had his timetable changed." Yogi smiled. Kido nodded as she stared at Kano and only looked away when he stared at her direction. Kano smiled then turned back to Yuna.

"Yogi?" Kido turned to Yogi.


"Do you ever feel jealous?"

Yogi stared at Kido and blinked a few times before then turned to Kano. He smiled. "Yeah, Sometimes. You're jealous right now, Aren't you?"

"Maybe...." Kido sighed. She shut her eyes and sighed once more.

"Tsubomi-chan, Can I borrow a pen?" Kano patted Kido's shoulder. Kido opened her eyes and stumbled out of her chair. The class stared at her.


"But you're the first one that popped in my head." Kano tilted his head.

"Fine! Just stay a good one foot away from me. I'll toss you the pen." Kido growled. Kano did as he was told and Kido rummaged in her bag. Pulling out a pen, She tossed it violently towards Kano, Who had to keep his head low and arms up to catch it.

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