I was given

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I was given

I was given darkness
I was given light
I was given hatred that burned of spite
I was given love and lustful desire .

I was given these things that I hadn't acquired and in my hell ,frozen and cold what kept me warm was a dream I'd told , to another soul such as myself that one day I'd escape our frozen hell.

On a dying planet , with a dying mind though it was all dying , vessels fought to survive . I painted my flesh , I crept a smile, no one had noticed ,I soon fell in denial. Then one day it hit like a smack to the face

I was given life , that I could take
I was given hell that I could escape
I was given these gifts with a receipt on the side

So I made up my mind and sang a song. I'd made up my mind and sang along and to this day I'm where you'll find me , in hell with the devil chatting idle . I was given many things but amongst them was fear and it was the thing that kept me here.

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